Breast cancer, the protein that causes the death of diseased cells has been discovered

by time news

2024-01-11 10:00:00

Breast cancer, the turning point protein. The study published in the journal Nature

Here comes some very important news regarding the breast cancer treatmentone was discovered protein which in fact is the cause of this cancer and which could in the future represent not only the solution to defeat the disease, but even help prevent it. It’s about the protein Mre11 That causes the death of diseased cells before they complete the process of transformation into tumor cells. The protein acts through a inflammatory process which also mobilizes the immune defenses en masse, making them easier to recognize and eliminate damaged cells.

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The result, published in the magazine Natureit might help develop treatments that target this protein. The search was coordinated from the American University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Every time a cancer cell divides, it suffers damage to its DNA. These damaged cells are usually perceived as threats from the bodywhich activates a ‘sensor’ of damaged DNA, called cGAS, capable of call the cells together of the immune system for find and eliminate the problem. In this way they also discovered that, interacting with each otherthe sensor and the key protein initiate a specialized form of cell death called necroptosis: unlike other forms of cell death, necroptosis also triggers the inflammatory response, and therefore activates the immune system which thus manages to identify cancer cells or those that are about to become cancerous.

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