The Impact of Nutrition on Mental Health: Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Psyche – 24vita

by time news

2024-01-13 06:44:23

  • 24vita
  • Psyche
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    A healthy diet is good for body and mind. More and more studies are pointing to this. If you have psychological problems, it is better to avoid certain foods.

    More and more studies show that the quality of nutrition not only has a direct impact on physical health, but also on mental health. For example, two specific foods are said to be able to help with social anxiety. Those suffering from depression, however, could benefit from drug therapy with antidepressants by adhering to certain eating rules. However, some foods can be more damaging to the psyche and should therefore be avoided in order to prevent mental illness.

    Nutrition for the psyche: three foods that should be avoided

    People with psychological problems can benefit from a healthy diet. © sqback/IMAGO

    According to the results of a study from the specialist magazine American Journal of Psychiatry, In which over 1,000 women took part, women who eat healthily are said to suffer less from depression or anxiety disorders than women who eat unhealthy. A healthy diet primarily includes the consumption of vegetables, fruit, fish and whole grain products. Other studies finally revealed which foods could be more harmful to the psyche. The following three foods should therefore rarely or even never end up on your plate:

  • Meat and sausages: They contain a lot of curing salts (nitrites), which could lead to certain psychological disorders. Scientists suspected this based on the results of their study in which they examined patients with manic disorders.
  • Caffeine: In their study, researchers from New York recognized a connection between high caffeine consumption and psychological complaints.
  • Fast food: This usually contains high levels of trans fats as well as saturated and omega-6 fatty acids. Because these are loud Time online can trigger low-grade inflammatory processes in the body, they are considered to trigger depression or anxiety. Because inflammation is said to be able to negatively influence and manipulate the psyche.
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