Strength exercises to feel better and not get sick: training routines for people over 50

by time news

2024-01-13 08:00:02

Many benefits can be obtained from physical exercise, some of them are aesthetic, such as the changes we see in our physique, but others are not perceptible to the naked eye. Our health is reinforced if we stay active throughout our lives, work our muscles, strengthen our joints and improve our energy levels. It helps us feel better, especially if we train outdoors and enjoy the hours of light and sun, something that is possible in Spain, we will also improve our mood and reduce stress levels.

In general, whenever we think about doing a little more exercise, leading a more active life, we tend to choose cardio training, it is a simple option that is usually within our reach, just by walking a little more each day we can feel better . However, we cannot forget the importance of working on strength. We tend to relate strength exercises with developing muscles, but they are much more than that, they help us strengthen muscles and bones and protect our health.

Physical exercise helps strengthen the immune system

It is one of the most frequent statements about exercise: it helps take care of our health. What is not always very clear is that it does so not only because it strengthens us, but also because it strengthens the immune system. Although it is not very clear how it achieves it, the truth is that the results are there and there are several theories about how it can obtain such positive results.

It is often pointed out that through physical exercise we can eliminate bacteria from the lungs and respiratory tracts, which would reduce the possibility of developing diseases such as colds or flu. Exercise also causes changes in antibodies, which circulate more quickly through the body thanks to the blood moving faster due to exercise, causing them to arrive earlier and detect diseases more quickly.

Another theory that has been put forward to explain the success of exercise in strengthening the immune system is the brief rise in body temperature that occurs after exercise, which could prevent bacterial growth and help the body fight an infection. infection. As we pointed out before, it reduces the secretion of stress hormones, which can protect against diseases, because a high level of stress increases the chances of getting sick.

Strength exercise routines for people over 50 years old

Strength exercise has certain benefits for the body, such as helping to prevent aging, osteoporosis and sarcopenia, preventing back and joint pain, improving joint mobility and flexibility, body composition and sleep quality. It also reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and reduces blood pressure, increases ‘good’ cholesterol and reduces ‘bad’ cholesterol.

Training after 50 is not so different from doing it at a younger age, it is just necessary to find the right exercises, listen to the body to adapt the training to what we can do and, above all, be careful, warming up before and stretching after training. to avoid hurting ourselves. To train strength, it is not always necessary to use weight, although it is recommended for some exercises. You can also train with exercises that involve resistance, such as Pilates.

In any good strength routine, it is advisable to include basic exercises, such as squats, lunges or lateral lunges, which can be done with or without adding weight, and also incorporate exercises such as hip raises and planks, which help to work a greater amount of muscles. It is also a good idea to do push-ups, starting with light weight and increasing when necessary.

It is best to combine strength exercises with other cardio exercises and have help from professionals in the sector to avoid harming ourselves.


Exercise and immunity: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. (sf).

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