Outrage and Frustration on News 12 – Government’s Failures and Leadership Vacuum Exposed

by time news

Remember Netanyahu’s “pickles” speech? A nickname that stuck to the members of the opposition and to all those who think like them, i.e. the various media bodies? Well, the sourness of the opponents of the government and its leader, is no longer just sourness, the sourness has turned into real rage, which was expressed yesterday on News 12 edition. Almost every member of the panel moderated by Danny Kushmaro who participated in the edition, boiled with anger.

She grew up to make the Marciano Foundation, and the time has come to crown her as an objective and professional reporter who is not afraid to tell the whole truth to her face and to say it with a lot of passion and enthusiasm, and out of genuine and sincere concern, and not out of extraneous considerations. As happened yesterday, in anger and nervousness that was evident in her face, she criticized the unnecessary parties that are not ready to give up their share of the budget, when the country is facing an economic collapse due to the war expenses, and they, for their part, are “undecided about us”.

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Keren Marciano (Photo: screenshot News 12)

Marciano was furious yesterday as never before, stating that the government had created a leadership vacuum in all areas. And added that due to the precarious economic situation that is about to affect us, if the government intends to raise taxes as it appears, and put its hand in the pocket of all of us in order to get itself out of the blessing it has fallen into, then at least that hand will be clean, that is, at least those unnecessary parties will serve as an example.

The Marciano Foundation called Netanyahu a liar, when she said that he assured the public in one of his speeches that there was enough money for everyone. “That’s a lie,” she declared, nearly exploding with anger.

What would we do without the Marciano Foundation, which warns every night about the danger posed to the Israeli economy, and prepares its homework well when it points out precise numbers and data, boldly points out the government’s failures in the economic field, and points an accusing finger at the Minister of Finance, without apologizing or forgiving. I am sure that if in the future she turns to politics, she will be fully worthy of playing a prominent position in the Ministry of Finance and will fulfill her duty ten times better than all kinds of clerks in whom we have no confidence.

After Marciano, in a sharpened and sharp language, Guy Peleg angrily attacked the cabinet and called it a “circus” and that this circus has a director who is the prime minister.

Guy Peleg (Photo: Hadas Proosh, Flash 90)

Of course, Peleg, as a commentator on matters of law and justice, could not help but mention the excellent work done by the defense lawyers who represented us with honor in The Hague, and in the same breath equated them, who are polished and brilliant professionals who brought us honor, with Likud people who lack experience, knowledge and professionalism who run the country. Imagine, Pelag said, that people like Miri Regev and Amsalem (who is rude in Pelag’s opinion) represent us in The Hague? They would throw us out of the UN.

I admit that I couldn’t help but laugh despite the depressing and worrying situation, because Peleg’s words were said almost in a panic, when he said that he had a nightmare in which the duo Amsalem and Regev were our representatives at the International Court of Justice. I also couldn’t help but laugh, because you’ll admit that imagining Regev handing out popcorn to the distinguished judges in The Hague is an amusing image.

In any case, the anger of the news panelists did not end with Peleg’s words.

Even Nir Davori, the national reassurancer who always conveys optimism and confidence in the strength of the IDF and its ability to win and only asks that we be patient because it is impossible to end the war with a bang and we are done, even Davori was furious yesterday and could not hide his anger, about the functioning of the government that does not come together to seriously talk about today that after and does not define clear goals for the war, thereby actually loosening the hands of the fighters and confusing the security forces who do not know where we are going. Debori, even though he spoke in a restrained tone as usual, it was hard to miss the rebuke and criticism that his words sent towards the security cabinet, which repeatedly postpones the discussion on the issue Who will control Gaza, which will determine not only its future, but more importantly, the future of our country. Debori expressed his concern not only for what will happen the day after, but for the years ahead and for the next generation of young people, lest they want to leave the country because they will not be able to live there safely, and therefore , the discussion on this issue is essential and urgent right now.

In the bottom line, one can understand the atmosphere of resentment and anger that gripped the news people last night, and reflected the anger and frustration of the public.

Still, on a more optimistic note. If you are worried about the financial situation, if there is no bread, eat popcorn.

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