The History and Modern Importance of Root Canal Treatment in Dentistry

by time news

2024-01-13 14:30:00

In dentistry, the most common term that falls on our ears is ‘Root Canal Treatment’ which is a treatment done to save an infected tooth without removing it. Although this treatment is a modern technological development it is said to have been the case before the birth of Christ. There is evidence that the Sumerians practiced this treatment on living man as early as 3500 BC.

Dental treatment

The Sumerians practiced this procedure of going into the root of the tooth to extract the tooth using sharp stone tools. The treatment was popular among the ancient Italians as early as 600 BC. History says that after drilling a hole in the affected tooth, the affected tissue was removed and the area was smeared with beeswax.

In the past, there were only two treatments for toothache: removing the pulp and filling the tooth or removing the tooth. But now dentists are recommending root canal treatment. Ekta, a dentist from Chennai, gives various information about whether this treatment is necessary and who should do it.

Dental treatment

If the entire upper part of the tooth is affected or broken due to decay, we recommend extraction if only the root is affected. In some cases the teeth can be saved even in that condition. It varies from person to person. If gum problems are neglected at an early stage, the tooth will become infected and loose.

The bone wears away without any anchorage for that tooth to stand on. In this case, the tooth cannot be saved, so we remove it. Only in such serious cases would we recommend tooth extraction. If not we will recommend treatment to protect it.

Happy Teeth

We can save the tooth by performing root canal treatment without extracting the tooth. Whether extracting the tooth instead of root canal treatment is the best decision is not certain. Technology for implanting dentures has come a long way. However, it does not look like a natural tooth. Therefore, try to treat and save them as much as possible.

If you want to do a root canal, you should first look at the root of the tooth. The roots are inside the jaw so they cannot be seen with the eyes. Therefore, dentists will take x-rays and check how high and deep the root of the tooth is, how infected it is, and how far the infection has spread.

Dentist Ekta

Based on that root canal treatment will be done. A root canal is a type of filling treatment done from the root to the top of the tooth. During the treatment, the blood flow or nerve area in that area is blocked to a certain extent. This will reduce the strength of the tooth. Therefore, after treatment, a cap like structure should be fitted on the tooth to strengthen it.

Who may need root canal treatment?

* Persistent pain: Feeling of discomfort in teeth, persistent toothache, jaw, face, other teeth pain

* tooth sensitive: Tingling in the teeth after drinking something hot or cold or if the discomfort lasts for more than a few seconds

Root Canal Treatment

* Swelling of gums, jaw area: When there is an infection in the tooth and swelling in the gums and jaw due to pus in the surrounding area

* Tooth discoloration: When an infection occurs in the tooth and it affects the tissue inside it (Pulp) and the blood flow in that area is affected, the color of the tooth changes.

* Pain in gums: Discomfort and pain in the teeth when pressure is applied to the tooth. This may indicate that the nerves in the area where the tooth tissue is located are injured.

* If the tooth is broken: If a tooth is broken or scratched while playing or in an accident.

* Swinging tooth: Due to the infection, the tissues around the teeth become damaged. As a result, the bone in the area softens and the tooth hangs.

These are common symptoms. It can vary from person to person and other symptoms may also appear. Therefore, if any symptoms appear, one should consult a dentist,” he said.

Who needs root canal treatment?

The Happy Teeth series, which provides answers and advice to queries related to teeth care, treatment and oral hygiene, will air every Saturday at 6 pm.

If you have any doubts about teeth care, let us know in the comments. Dentists will answer your questions.

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