Daniel and Coral from Sderot: The Terrifying Morning of October 7 and the Shocking Photo

by time news

Let’s go back almost 100 days, to the morning of October 7. One of the memorable moments from that morning was this photo of the white Toyota, loaded with terrorists, in the heart of Sderot. This photo caused a kind of shock – because we really haven’t seen anything like this. We spoke with Daniel and Coral from Sderot who are behind the first recording from Black Sabbath.

“It was a scary morning and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone” | Photo: According to Section 27A of the Copyright Law

Daniel, you shot the video that actually made the residents of Israel understand that there is a war here that is different from anything we have known.

“Yes, it was a scary morning and I don’t wish it on anyone. I woke up that morning to a ‘red color.’ There for half an hour with the tenants of the building.”

“After half an hour we returned to the apartment,” Daniel continues to describe. “We heard machine gun fire and I thought it was from the Nir Am range. Suddenly I heard an RPG launch. ‘What is an RPG doing here in Sderot?’ I was in shock. I opened the window and then I see 7 vans of terrorists in a white Toyota drive to the police station and a tremendous battle begins there. So at that moment I opened a camera, to share with family, friends, that they would know that something was happening on Sderot. That they should not leave their homes. They should go hide, hide. And at the same moment that I’m taking a picture, the car that shoots at the policemen passes by.”

Tell me, weren’t you afraid to photograph the terrorists like that? They could have shot you.

“I was scared but there was nothing I could do, I took courage, I kept my cool and I had to take pictures so that the whole country would know what was happening here.”

“I opened the window and they were under the house.” Daniel and Coral from Sderot Photo: News 12

weren’t you afraid

“You can’t explain something like that, the body works differently.”

Can you see the faces of the terrorists?

“I saw them. In the video it looks far away, but it’s under the house. I open the window and they’re right below me. I see them, their faces, hear them shouting, cursing, shooting, and what not.”

Who are you sending the video to?

“To the groups of my friends and they send to the groups of their friends and within 5-10 minutes, I understand, the video has reached the whole country.”

We couldn’t believe what we saw. What reactions do you get from friends?

“The first ones were, ‘You’re working on us, it’s not real,’ ‘It’s not from Israel,’ ‘It’s not Sderot,’ ‘It looks like something from a movie.’ I tell them, ‘This is what’s happening in Sderot.'”

Coral, when he takes the video, do you understand the magnitude of the drama?

“I didn’t understand the reality, I was in some kind of movie bubble. But I knew it was terrorists.”

Weren’t you afraid for Daniel, that he was standing there naked and taking pictures?

“I was really scared, I told him ‘stay away from the window, our lives are important’. At that moment I was only thinking of being in a protected place, stay away from the window.”

We are talking to you now from Sderot. Are you among the few who returned to live there?

“In the end, returning to your home is the best thing. I was in the reserves, two months in the north. And not being at home is hard. Here you feel alive.”

Do you think about it in hindsight?

“There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t remember that day.”

Did you find a language mistake?

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