Balanced Diet and Uric Acid: Food to Ban and Reduce Levels

by time news

2024-01-13 06:33:00

Along with urea and creatinine, uric acid is one of the so-called urinary substances. These must be excreted in the urine. They are therefore also used as markers for the Kidney health used. If you have elevated values, this can be attributed to various causes, which can subsequently cause inflammatory reactions such as gout or kidney and ureter stones. Researchers have also found that gene variants that affect uric acid levels also directly affect the risk of gout.Who determined Food banned from the menu and eating a balanced diet can be Permanently reduce uric acid levels.

How is uric acid produced in the body? Breakdown of purines through diet, alcohol, medication

Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of Purinen. These are part of every cell and are necessary for the genetic material and the construction of new cells. Over foods rich in purines such as high-fat meat, certain types of fish or high-sugar fruit, we absorb additional purines that the body also has to metabolize. This also includes the consumption of Fructose (Fructose) is increasingly becoming the focus of researchers. Fructose is added to many products in the food industry in the form of corn starch, for example when sweetening soft drinks. But also at Breakdown of the body’s own cells Purines are produced. This is particularly the case with chemotherapy.

Uric acid also has positive effects and is important for protection against free radicals. She acts here as Antioxidant, thus protects against free radicals and in this way has a tissue-protecting effect. From the so-called Hyperurikämie Experts speak when the uric acid concentration in the blood serum rises to over 6.7 mg/dl in women and to 7.4 mg/dl in men. Two different forms are distinguished:

  • Primary hyperuricemia: This is one genetically determined disorder, which can affect both uric acid formation and uric acid excretion. Certain enzymes that are important for uric acid metabolism then only function to a limited extent.
  • Secondary hyperuricemia: Come here various diseases or effects of Medication into consideration. Blood formation disorders, blood cancers (leukemias), kidney diseases, alcoholism or water-relieving medications (diuretics) can promote an increase in uric acid concentrations.

Too much uric acid damages joints, vessels and organs – gout is one of the main consequences

Too much uric acid in the body does not always lead to problems. However, if the uric acid concentration permanently exceeds a certain limit Uric acid crystals located in body tissues deposit can.

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gout belongs to the most common inflammatory joint diseases in Germany. At a acute gout attack The body tries to break down the uric acid crystals in the joint via an inflammatory reaction. The typical symptoms of inflammation then appear, such as overheating, swelling, redness and very severe pain. Are common Joints affected, which are far from the center of the body and have less blood supply. Typically, the first acute attacks of gout appear in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, followed by the knee, elbow, wrist and finger joints.

Coolness promotes the precipitation of uric acid crystals, as does a low pH value in the tissue. So you can too Infections and physical exertion trigger a gout attack. Typically, gout patients are male, overweight and suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney dysfunction. There is also much to suggest that too much uric acid can also cause this Cardiovascular system and vessels can harm. Long before the first gout attack, the crystallizing uric acid can also Development of kidney stones promote and hinder drainage.

Natural active ingredient dangerous – these drugs really help against gout

Due to the massive inflammatory processes in the body, doctors see the need Permanently reduce uric acid levels. According to the “S2 Guideline for Gouty Arthritis”, in the event of an acute gout attack, the inflammation and pain must first be treated. It is considered the drug of choice for an acute gout attack Colchicine, a naturally occurring substance from the poisonous plant autumn crocus. However, determining the dose is often difficult because symptoms of poisoning can occur under certain circumstances.

After surviving a gout attack, you can use one Long-term therapy should be started to prevent a chronic course. However, drug treatment is also included Side effects connected so that one detailed explanation in a doctor-patient consultation, the success of treatment is significantly increased.

Most of the time there are so-called Uricostatic used, such as allopurinol or febuxostat. These inhibit an enzyme, which reduces the formation of uric acid. There are also medications available that… Increase uric acid excretion (uricosurics) such as probenecid or benzbromarone.

Foods for gout: How you can lower uric acid levels with proper nutrition

The upper limit of 500 milligrams of purines should not be exceeded daily. In acute gout attacks, a limit of 300 milligrams is recommended. The provides a good overview of the uric acid content Food table on To keep the purine load low, you can: Diet change be very effective.

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You should keep the following tips in mind:

1. Pay attention to vegetarian and alkaline foods Cost: The so-called DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), which is based on a typical Mediterranean diet, is actually recommended for patients with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. However, a study was able to show that a reduction in uric acid levels is also achieved. In general, the following foods should be on your menu:

  • Vegetables, sour cherries, berries
  • reduced-fat dairy products, especially yogurt, quark and hard cheese
  • Bio-Owner
  • Cereal products or flakes
  • Potatoes, egg noodles, rice

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2. Avoid foods high in purines: What’s important is that you not too many purines at once take to you. For example, you shouldn’t combine high-fat meals with meat and alcohol. For example, it can serve as a guide that in 150 grams of meat or chicken It contains about half the amount of purines you should consume daily – about 210 milligrams. But smaller portions of meat can also be prepared tasty, for example as sliced ​​meat. At the same time it helps Removal of skin Saving a lot of purines in fish, meat or chicken, as well as avoiding high-fat sausages and offal. legumes and Soy products However, contrary to previous recommendations, they are in moderation (about twice a week) harmless.

3. Avoid fructose: The fructose contained in fruits is usually not a problem if the whole fruit is eaten. Sour cherries It is even said to have a uric acid-lowering effect. But also berries are low in sugar. However, you should avoid dried fruits and agave syrup and especially finished products such as soft drinks Fructose as a sweetener is added. Because when fructose is broken down, uric acid is formed.

4. Drink enough: Two to three liters of water, unsweetened herbal and fruit teas and coffee are recommended. This allows uric acid to be better excreted. Than is critical Alcohol as it stimulates the production of uric acid and at the same time inhibits its excretion via the kidneys. Bier, which itself contains purines, is considered the worst choice, even in the alcohol-free version.

5. Maintain a healthy body weight: This helps to protect the joints and, in combination with a healthy diet, lowers the uric acid concentration. However, you should… radical fasting cures Take your distance. This is because so-called ketone bodies are created, which inhibit the excretion of uric acid. In addition, due to the rapid loss of body mass, purines are increasingly broken down and the uric acid concentration increases.

6. Dietary supplements after medical consultation: A large-scale study suggests that the Daily intake of 500 to 1,500 mg of vitamin C can effectively protect against gout. Researchers suspect that this inhibits inflammatory processes and reduces uric acid concentrations. But it is important to pay attention to a healthy lifestyle. You should also consult your doctor before taking high-dose dietary supplements.

Conclusion: DASH diet and vitamin C help with elevated uric acid

A permanently elevated uric acid level has been proven to be harmful jointsbut also that vessels and internal organs. One is particularly painful gout attack, in which the uric acid crystals are broken down via a strong inflammatory reaction.

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In order to keep uric acid so low that it can be completely excreted in the urine, you should use one vegetarian, low-fat and low-fructose diet regard. The so-called provides good orientation DASH diet, which aims for a long-term change in diet. In addition, the high-dose intake of Vitamin C to effectively reduce uric acid after consultation with a doctor.

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