High blood pressure, in the cold it rises even more. How to lower it without drugs

by time news

2024-01-01 03:22:00

High blood pressure and (tight) connection with the cold

With autumn and winter comes the cold and the cold, say cardiologists, increases the pressure because it is vasoconstrictor. Here, as the website www.humanitasalute.it writes, what foods to eat to lower blood pressure pressure.


Among the benefits deriving from the consumption of blueberries, those in terms of cardiovascular health have received particular attention from researchers, who have managed to collect various evidence of their positive effects on the heart and arteries.

Eaten alone, used to prepare smoothies or accompanied with yogurt, fresh blueberries keep their properties intact thanks to the presence of anthocyanin flavonoids, useful for reducing the risk of hypertension.


Walnuts play an important role in managing diastolic blood pressure, which slows the progression to heart failure. Additionally, including walnuts in a diet low in saturated fat can also help lower central blood pressure.

Walnuts can be eaten as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, but also used in dishes, perhaps to give a crunchy texture to salads, pasta or main courses.

Being particularly caloric foods and rich in unsaturated fats, it is generally best not to overdo it: 3-5 nuts a day are more than enough.

100% orange juice

100% orange juice, therefore without the addition of sugars, artificial colors or additives, is included in the DASH diet because it contains large quantities of hesperidin, a flavonoid typical of citrus fruits, which can help reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension.


Rich in potassium, l-citrulline and lycopene, watermelon is an excellent food that helps preserve heart health.

In fact, watermelon consumption has been specifically linked to a decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Blue fish, salmon, trout

Fatty fish such as salmon and trout, but also the blue fish typical of the Mediterranean Sea (swordfish, sardines, anchovies, cod, mackerel, herring) are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. 3, which may play a role in reducing blood pressure levels.

Including at least two portions of fish per week is essential to keep blood pressure under control and reduce the risk of negative cardiac outcomes.


The nutritional properties of lentils are many and important: they contain isoflavones, composed of antioxidant properties, useful against free radicals, Thiamine (vitamin B1) which promotes memory and concentration, vitamin B3 (or vitamin PP), which helps the body to optimally manage energy and reduce triglycerides in the blood, large quantities of fibre, excellent for promoting intestinal transit. In addition to all this, lentils are also rich in potassium and magnesium, essential for heart health , and capable of contributing to the lowering of systolic blood pressure.


Dairy products like yogurt are rich in key nutrients like potassium and calcium that support heart health. In particular, yogurt replenishes the bacterial flora that contributes to the control of blood pressure.

When choosing yogurt, it would be best to opt for products that do not contain added sugars: rather, you can combine yogurt with whole grains or some fresh fruit.


Turmeric, if consumed in the right quantities and for a certain period of time, can be useful in keeping blood pressure under control.

Turmeric has a bitter, very aromatic flavour, with some hints of ginger, and we can add it to soups, meat, fish or vegetable main courses, but also sip it in tea.

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