National Vaccine Institute Addresses COVID Misinformation & Vaccine Effects: Clarifying the Facts

by time news

2024-01-15 14:39:00

“National Vaccine Institute” announces facts about the COVID situation and the effects of vaccines. Point out that many issues were misunderstood. Ready to collect information To answer people’s questions

Latest National Vaccine Institute Has come out to explain the facts of the Covid situation. and the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine, stating that as information has been published regarding the COVID-19 test situation and the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine via online media and such information has been forwarded widely.

National Vaccine Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Faculty of medical experts in related specialties National panel of immunology experts including the World Health Organization Based in Thailand We have jointly considered the said information.

It was found that the said information was still inaccurate in many issues. and the transmission of such information on a wide scale This may cause confusion among the people. There is a misunderstanding. and can cause panic in society. In this regard, the National Vaccine Institute Therefore, I would like to clarify initially as follows:

Long COVID condition or Post COVID-19 condition is a condition that can actually be found. After being sick with COVID-19 But it is not related to the COVID-19 vaccination. According to the World Health Organization, the current understanding of the causes of COVID-19 And the reasons why people are affected unequally are still limited. Therefore, it is still necessary to monitor the impacts. Including collecting information systematically on an ongoing basis To understand the cause and the actual progression of the disease

According to recent data, the most common symptoms associated with COVID include fatigue. shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Problems with memory, concentration, or sleeping. Persistent cough. Chest pain. trouble speaking muscle aches Loss of smell or taste depression or anxiety, and fever, which may affect your ability to People can carry out their daily activities.

However, most people get better over time. But the recovery time depends on personal factors. Therefore, it is not possible to clearly specify the duration of the said condition. Currently, there are many studies that have found that COVID-19 vaccination Helps reduce the risk of COVID symptoms.

For the issue of concealing information and facts of those affected and died from that vaccine not true Information on people affected by the COVID-19 vaccine in Thailand is systematically collected, considered, diagnosed, and published. By the Epidemiology Division, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Surveillance of adverse events following immunization has been carried out in accordance with standards recommended by the World Health Organization.

And a committee of national experts from various fields is involved in considering whether or not these effects are caused by the vaccine. Or are there any other factors that cause this condition to occur? which requires the use of medical examination results Those affected must also be taken into consideration. in order to be able to make a clear diagnosis

The diagnosis results will be published on the website of the Epidemiology Division, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. There was no concealment of information at all. The disclosure of information is in accordance with the law, correct and complete. In addition, the National Vaccine Institute and agencies in the Ministry of Public Health No authority can block information from social media. and various applications, as can be seen from the outbreak of fake news information. and disinformation news (Infodemic) related to health, including a large amount of disinformation about vaccines published in online media today.

The issue of excess deaths for Thai people in the period 2022-2023 is overall data on deaths from other causes, such as deaths from cancer. or various chronic diseases that did not receive appropriate treatment Including the relaxation of disease prevention and control measures. There has been a huge increase in travel. As a result, there will be an increase in deaths from traffic-related accidents in 2022-20237.

which is not related to COVID-19 disease and analysis of excess mortality rate data There is no evidence that it is related to the COVID-19 vaccination, so it cannot be used to attribute the cause of death to the vaccine. for Thailand Ministry of Public Health Data on the death rate of the Thai population is collected continuously and systematically. In the details of the death rate surplus during that period The Ministry of Public Health will announce further information to the public.

For the issue of following up on the initial effects of COVID-19 vaccination. Among the nearly 100 people vaccinated in Thailand in the period of 1 year that are referred to. According to academic principles, it is found that There is still a need to carefully plan the educational guidelines. and additional comparison groups need to be defined. This is to avoid bias in the study, which will allow comparison of effect data between people who have received the COVID-19 vaccination. and people who have never been vaccinated against COVID-19 Truly

Due to the study of the effects of anything If there is no control group This may cause bias to occur in that study. An information issue reported in the journal Nature Scientific Reports that claims that vaccination after the third dose may cause T-Cell immunity to become exhausted is a misunderstanding. National Vaccine Institute There has been coordination with the researchers who own the said information.

The report “Hybrid and herd immunity 6 months after SARS‑CoV‑2 exposure among individuals from a community treatment program” was published on January 14, 2023. It was found that the main issue researchers wanted to communicate was needle vaccination. Stimulate a large amount during a short distance (mass vaccination and injected before the due date) does not cause good immune stimulation

Vaccination with booster shots should be planned. and determine the appropriate time period In order to create the best immunity against disease, the World Health Organization has issued recommendations for the general public, the elderly, and those with chronic diseases. or immunocompromised people who have not yet received the COVID-19 vaccine. One dose of the vaccine is required, followed by additional vaccinations 6 months to 1 year after the first dose.

which is an appropriate period of time To reduce the risk of serious illness and death The recommendations for Thailand’s COVID-19 vaccination have been considered by the country’s immunization subcommittee. and is in line with the World Health Organization as well.

The National Vaccine Institute, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Group of medical experts in related specialties, group of national immunology experts including the World Health Organization Based in Thailand Will collect current academic information. To answer questions about various issues in detail and will continue to disseminate it to the public for everyone to know.

Thank you for the information from Facebook, National Vaccine Institute.

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