Tips and Recipe for Healthy Eating and Maintaining Figure During Complex Days

by time news

2024-01-16 09:07:57

Since October 7, life has not yet returned to its normal course. Complex days pass us by and we wake up every day to painful news and our hearts are broken. The condition has also led most of us to emotional eating and weight gain. Emotional eating is eating that we have no control over. We eat and snack all the time not because we are hungry, but to relax. The food and sweets are just an excuse. Add to that the cold days – all these add to the emotional eating.

For more recipes go to Pascal’s culinary website

I decided to seek the help of Hali Meman, founder of a support network for a healthy lifestyle, who will give us tips that always work, along with one delicious and easy recipe that will help us maintain our figure in a convenient way.

The recipe Hali chose is for soup, since studies have shown that eating soup at the beginning of the meal reduces the amount of calories consumed, mainly because the soup contains dietary fiber from the vegetables and eating it with a spoon gives a great feeling of satiety. And regardless of the situation, in any situation there is nothing like a steaming soup, which invites those around to a wonderful and warming taste.

And these are the steps to success according to Hali Maman:

Adopt a healthy eating routine: plan your meals and don’t skip any of them. The best thing to do is eat six small meals throughout the day. It is more efficient than three large meals. Adopting this habit may reduce many pounds.

Drink a lot of water: to maintain high humidity and even cause a feeling of satiety. Prefer water over sugary drinks. Each small glass, 200 ml, contains about 4 teaspoons of sugar and 80 calories, even in the naturally squeezed one. Drinking water is the best and most natural choice for you.

Variety: Be sure to eat a variety of foods. This way the body gets all the nutrients it needs, and you will even be able to achieve the desired goal. If there is a targeted goal of losing weight, start eating 10% less than usual, so you will adopt better health habits. And remember: rapid descent is more dangerous.

Adopt healthy and whole foods: prefer fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. These foods are full of substances that are essential for the body and even provide it with energy over time.

Add a hot spice to the meal: hot seasoning upgrades the taste and helps burn calories. Upgrade the foods/sauces with a little spicy.

Eating out? Reduce the amount of the dish by at least a third. Order a whole dish and set aside a third of it. Ask the waiter to pack it for you. That way you will have lunch for the next day. This simple tactic saves up to 500 calories a day.

Pay attention to the dairy products you consume during the day and prefer low-fat products: a glass of 3% fat milk will contribute 120 calories and a glass of 1% fat milk will contribute 88 calories. A slice of 9% fat yellow cheese contains 60 calories, while 28% yellow cheese contains 90 calories. And so on.

Cauliflower and root vegetable soup

The ingredients (for 6 servings):
1 medium onion cut into cubes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium head of cauliflower
1 medium head of celery
1 medium head of parsley
salt to taste
White pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

For decoration:
A little dill or parsley leaves


1. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a large pot and fry the onion in it until golden.
2. Break the cauliflower into medium florets, wash and clean. Peel the head of celery and the head of parsley and cut into medium cubes.
3. Add the cauliflower florets, celery heads and parsley to the pot, pour water above the height of the vegetables and bring to a boil.
4. Season and cook over low heat for about half an hour or until the vegetables soften.
5. Grind the soup in a stick blender or food processor, taste and adjust seasoning. Garnish with chopped dill.

#steaming #soup #comfort #cold #difficult #days #passing

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