IDF Special Forces Operations in Lebanon and Hezbollah’s Response: What Really Happened?

by time news

For the first time since the Second Lebanon War in 2006, were IDF forces operating on foot in Lebanon tonight (Tuesday)? In a statement published this morning by the IDF spokesman, it was stated that “IDF special forces attacked during the night to remove a threat identified in the Ita al-Sha’ab area “.

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The Lebanese Al-Mayadeen channel, which is affiliated with Hezbollah, responded to the announcement and claimed that the IDF spokesman’s report is not true, and what actually happened is that three Magellan soldiers tried to leave one of the IDF outposts towards the Lebanese border, they were exposed and retraced their steps to the area of ​​the outpost.

Almiadin claims that Hezbollah operatives are deployed along the entire border line at the zero point. It was also claimed that the purpose of the special forces was to plant espionage devices, but Hezbollah forces were waiting for them there and they were unsuccessful in their mission.

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