Sanremo, Amadeus: “If I take Covid there is no plan B”. About the guests …

by time news

Amadeus in Sanremo: “If I take Covid there is no plan B. Without Fiorello? I had prepared a cardboard template”

“There is no plan B if I take Covid. If I take Covid stay here with me ten days until I heal “”. Amadeus said this at a press conference responding to reporters.

“Until last week I was almost convinced that Fiorello would not have come and for this very reason I had a template of him prepared with which I would have walked “. Amadeus said this in the conference taking place at the Casino of Sanremo.” When he arrived, it was a beautiful surprise. He knows I love unpredictability. When we met, he said to me: `But according to you, horny fuck, I could have left my friend alone? ‘ – revealed -. Fiorello is a generous person and last year in front of the empty audience he was heroic because he did the hardest thing for a comedian, to work without an audience. This year I don’t know what will happen, there is the first evening, then who knows “.

Sanremo without international stars, Amadeus: “The fault of the pandemic”

“I am not able to say if there will be no international artists but if there should not be it is the fault of the pandemic. It is not their fault, nor ours”. Amadeus said at a press conference explaining that “the pandemic has created many difficulties‘”on this front” because artists are afraid to move “.

“Mengoni the super guest missing from the Festival? I am unable to say yes or no. We are working on more things”. So Amadeus replied at the press conference at the Sanremo Festival to the question if it could be Marco Mengoni the last piece in the guest box. The conductor has ruled out that Claudio Baglioni and the couple De Gregori-Venditti can go on stage. Sanremo: Amadeus, if not international stars it is the fault of the pandemic.

Amadeus: “In Sanremo there will be no talk of a pandemic”

“The pandemic topic on stage is not foreseen. We have to go further, it is already talked about enough”. Amadeus anticipates it at the press conference, adding that he is “convinced that vaccines can get us out of the pandemic, as I have always said openly “.

“I want to say that the fact of not being vaccinated cannot be a reason for exclusion if not for what the laws provide “. Rai1 director Stefano Coletta said this at a press conference at the Casino di Sanremo.”Rai follows national laws, until February 15, therefore, those over the age of 50 do not have an immediate vaccination obligation. Being vaccinated or not is a sensitive data, Rai can only ask to comply with the health rules “.

For i singers in the competition who should test positive at Covid “The Irama Award is valid”, explained Amadeus at the press conference. This means that the rehearsal recording will be broadcast. “I told the singers to comb their hair – said the conductor – because when Irama met again he regretted that he could have styled better”.

Highsnob and Hu’s song remains in competition

“For me the song of Highsnob and Hu absolutely remains in the race as recorded by Siae“. This was stated by Amadeus in relation to the accusations made by Junior Cally who claims to be an unquoted co-author of the piece.

Sanremo, Coletta: “It will be everyone’s festival”

Sanremo 2022 “will truly be everyone’s festival, even more so than in other years: there will be lightness, depth, there will always be a provocative register, and then we will have five important women, each with its own brought. “He is convinced of it Stefano Coletta, director of Rai1, on the eve of the 72nd edition.

“I came to Rai1 a few days after the outbreak of the pandemic, entertainment and pandemic are an oxymoron, but this gave us great tenacity in managing and organizing and conceiving every detail in compliance with a very serious protocol – underlines Coletta – and then when the result of this work approaches, there is really great emotion “. The” mandate “is” to deliver a show in 5 evenings that can meet the basic needs of the people “.

The director of Rai1 underlines the work done by Amadeus in the musical selection, “which he achieves a truly significant maturity“. This year” the songs chase the desire to fall in love, to free ourselves, to meet. Most of the songs will mark this difficult time that seeks disengagement even in awareness “. Above all, Coletta thanks Fiorello, “when I saw him arrive I rediscovered the meaning of life that is not boring, the code of unpredictability that exudes talent, generosity”.


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