What is our future? Update on the situation at the start of 2024

by time news

2024-01-17 20:47:48

TRIBUNE – This is not about making astrological or economic forecasts, but it is good to have a global vision of everything that is currently happening in our countries, particularly those of the European Union. Subject on which I have already written several articles for France-Soirstill available online.

The European clique is more warlike than ever and remains silent on the blockages in Germany

First of all, let’s talk a little bit about the war in Ukraine which does not seem to be unfolding as the Americans and the European Commission wanted. The German daily Bild has just published an article concerning the preparation of a possible attack by Russia, announcement denied by NATO itself !

On the other hand, it is no secret that the unelected decision-makers of the European Union want to continue this war and Ursula von der Leyen is asking our countries for additional billions to continue it. The “training scenario” is therefore perhaps a little more than a simple scenario and could be filmed very soon!

Despite the constant French media silence on the subject of blockades of German farmers, joined by many other professions, they continue and the rally organized in Berlin on January 15 was reportedly supported by around 70% of the population.

Olaf Scholtz’s announcement to increase taxes on LNG for farmers was undoubtedly the straw that broke the camel’s back; farmers and many other professions want the resignation of Scholtz and his government, as well as a halt to imports due to decisions of the European Commission (meat from New Zealand, cereals from Ukraine).

So somewhere, the peasants across the Rhine are also rebelling against these diktats of the EU which wants to see the executive powers of the States which constitute it transferred to it!

The photos of the German demonstrations are impressive, we are talking about more than 100,000 tractors for all of Germany.

Romania has just joined the movement.

Idriss J. Aberkane a published a very relevant reflection on this topic :

The dream of the Davossians: to police the populations

It seems that the plans of Davos, or rather of the 2030 Agenda, are indeed to achieve a Third World War, in order to achieve their objective: total control of the Western population by creating mass psychosis.

The 54th edition of the World Economic Forum has been held in Davos since January 15. The first information is quite interesting concerning population control since the “masters of the world” are interested in and are promoting personal carbon footprint trackers, which will allow a limitation of travel or meat consumption (which the WHO). A short article from Business Bourse is explicit on this subject. :

These carbon passports are part of the latest decisions of the European Commission which wants to impose a European digital passport on us in order to give us the right, or not, to travel within the EU. These passports will also hold our health records. We will thus know whether or not we have accepted the imposed vaccines…

At the WEF meeting in 2023, this topic was already addressed by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who explained that it was essential to have an appropriate digital infrastructure to be able to carry out these checks!

WHO Pandemic

Some, like the CEO of Alibaba, have even explained that these trackers are very important because they will allow consumers to measure their own carbon footprint linked to their travel and their food! Below is his statement:

Finally, this Wednesday, January 17, a very important meeting is taking place in which the WHO will of course participate, during which two essential subjects will be discussed:

– The reduction in our meat consumption (WHO October 2023 report)which can also be an explanation for the desire to make our European cows disappear, but which does not explain why the EU wants to replace them with New Zealand lambs or cows which, moreover, are not subject to the same health criteria (pesticides or others) as with us.

And, icing on the cake, this meeting of January 17 also aims to give a name to the new pandemic which does not yet exist !

Pandemic which will of course involve a compulsory vaccine, which we can assume is already ready, when we look at the list of participants at this conference!

The Japanese come to publish a very precise study with three professors of medicine world-renowned, which indicates that among the side effects of the anti-Covid vaccine, there are also many psychiatric syndromes.

It is urgent to ask the question of how many participants in this Davos forum have been vaccinated, because for our future and for that of our descendants, it would perhaps be urgent to neutralize them completely! Internment is not necessarily the worst solution!

Moreover, it even seems that thinking heads like Klaus Schwab and his guru Harari are starting to be very worried about future elections, particularly those which will take place in November across the Atlantic. Will they do everything to try to prevent them from happening? They are already declaring that elections are totally unnecessary with the new era of talentism that I talked about in one of my previous articles published on France-Soir.

#future #Update #situation #start

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