Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabvir Encourages Yams Yavash Police Force Soldiers in Visit to MGB Base

by time news

“You have all the backing from me, when you are in danger of your life or see a terrorist, even if he does not endanger you – shoot. I am your back” – this is what the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gabvir said to the soldiers of the Yams Yavash Police Force during a visit held today (Thursday) at the MGB base.

The minister conducted the tour against the background of growing tensions in the sector, accompanied by his chief of staff, Hanmal Dorfman, the commander of the Yosh region, sub-commissioner Barak Madraki, the commander of the MGB, commissar Yitzhak Barik, and his security secretary, commissar Kobi Yacovi. We will remind you that this week the appointment of Yacovi to the position of acting commissioner of the CBS was confirmed in place of the outgoing commissioner Cathy Perry, who decided not to extend her term.

Minister Ben Gabir met with the fighters of the Yavash Military Academy

“A hair on your head is worth a thousand terrorists,” the minister told the fighters and added: “The entire nation of Israel stands behind you, trusts you, and I am sure that you will fight the terrorists with determination. The State of Israel will know how to reach any terrorist, wherever he is, in any place and in any situation. I have seen your capabilities, you are sharp The spear of the MGB”.

The minister’s visit was held about a week after we revealed on N12 his full plan for the new National Guard, which includes, among other things, removing the Home Front Command from the IDF, changing the name of the MGB to the “National Guard” – and transferring 2,000 reserve personnel to it. In the plan, which will be presented to the government, he also proposed to change the instructions for opening fire during violent disturbances during wartime.

Yams raiders, archive | Photo: Police spokesmen

“The opening fire instructions will be adapted to reference scenarios of a violent disorder during combat,” the proposal states, and also detailed “a large-scale violent disorder with the use of firearms that threatens government institutions, an intrusion into an isolated settlement that threatens to harm its residents; blocking an axis during an emergency in a manner that continuously harms The functioning of the IDF that harms the transfer of forces and supplies to the front.”

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