Japan manages to land a mission on the Moon but does not clarify if it is still alive

by time news

2024-01-19 16:34:10

Japan aspired to become the fifth country to successfully land on the Moon. But after a successful takeoff of its SLIM mission (‘Smart Lander for Investigating Moon’), a journey of several months through space and a complex choreography to approach lunar orbit, everything indicates that the ship has managed to land on the surface of the Moon but, at the moment, its status is not clear. Those responsible for the mission affirm that they continue studying the data collected. For now, it is not clear if the ship has survived the complex moon landing or if, on the contrary, it has ended up in pieces.

This mission took off last September from the Tanegashima space center. For several months, this mission wandered through space. On Christmas Day it finally managed to insert itself correctly into lunar orbit. And after several weeks flying over its surface, in mid-January those responsible for the mission stated that, finally, they were in optimal conditions to attempt a landing on one of the edges of the lunar crater Shiolia depression about 270 meters in diameter located in the southeastern part of the visible side of the Moon.

The entire mission route was successful except for the end. This represents a severe setback for the technology developed by the Japanese agency, which boasted of having achieved a landing system so precise that He had even nicknamed him “the lunar sniper.”. So far, the only ones who have been able to successfully land on the Moon are the United States, the Soviet Union, China and, most recently, India.

Lunar jams

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