The Fateful Race: US Presidential Campaign 2024 and the Political Landscape

by time news

2024-01-19 20:39:00

Officially, the race for the US presidency began this week. Practically, the election on November 5 will determine who will be the president of the United States of America. These are elections whose definition as fateful is a wild understatement. These will be elections that will determine the future of the USA as a superior economic and military superpower, as a bastion and fortress of democracy in the world, as an influential and leading free republic, to which the eyes of the free world are fixed with hope.

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The one who is causing a strong shake to all the good and essential things planted in the USA is the candidate for the Republican presidency Donald Trump. He is the one whose personality, behavior and statements represent and feed the danger to the democratic future of the USA.

Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential run Credit: Reuters

The scope and presence of this danger was revealed this week in full force. Trump emerged victorious in the first Republican primaries held in the state of Iowa. Not just any victory. An overwhelming, absolute, unquestionable achievement. A success that, according to the recently published polls, was guaranteed and placed in his pocket.

The primary elections in New Hampshire are expected to be held next week, but the eyes of the Republicans are already on Super Tuesday, which will be held on March 5 in central US states.

Donald Trump announces 2024 presidential run Credit: Reuters

“Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley’s chances of winning over Trump and defeating him as the Republican presidential candidate are zero. The fact that DeSantis came in second place in the Iowa primaries did not strengthen his chances against Trump,” a senior, veteran and respected commentator in Washington told me in a conversation not to be attributed .

The flattering results that Trump received in Iowa and the achievements in the next primaries that are expected of him, do not diminish in any way the fact that Trump is accused of a crime. There are four indictments against him (the content of some of them is more serious than the indictments filed at the time against Al Capone, the “mythological” leader of the crime organization in Chicago).

He is expected to stand trial later this year and according to commentators, there is definitely a possibility that this will happen when he is a resident of the White House. Even if he is convicted and as president pardons himself, he will remain a criminal and an indelible tar stain will stick to the image of the United States.

It’s not just the indictments that make Trump a tarnished candidate. The statements he made in interviews and speeches at election rallies also caused concern and anxiety among senior Republicans, who claimed that Trump’s return to the White House would be a “catastrophe for America.”

Trump recently stated in a televised interview that if he is elected president “I will be a dictator for a day”. This statement was combined with reports published in the “Washington Post” according to which Trump and his close aides have already prepared lists of senior officials at the top of the administration who will be removed from their positions immediately, and one of whom he will try to arrest and throw in jail.

“Trump really doesn’t like some generals in the high command of the army, during his seven terms as president they ignored his instructions and did not hide the disdain and contempt they have for him,” explained a commentator in Washington. “Against one general he threatened execution.”

Biden is waiting

Not a week goes by in which a new report revealing an omission, failure and questionable behavior of Trump, especially while he served as president, is not revealed or published in the US media. The latest report published not long ago revealed that when he ran as a candidate in the 2016 presidential elections, he received financial assistance to finance the campaign His is from China.

As you may recall, in a book about his term as president published in the US, it is told about a conversation he had with the White House chief of staff in which he expressed himself with the words “Hitler also did good things”. In the recorded conversation, the chief of staff is heard imploring Trump to “don’t say these things in public”.

The writer of these lines dismisses and negates any comparison between developments and events that take place nowadays and the Nazi era in Germany. To try to explain how a guy like Trump became a politician liked and accepted by millions of Americans, how with four criminal indictments, and with every exposure and discovery of his dubious exploits, he fascinates millions of Americans and his “base” grows stronger – there is no other way than to give a forced and forced image to a time when The Nazis came to power.

In March 1933, elections were held in Germany. Impeccable democratic elections. In these elections, the Nazi Party led by Hitler won 44% and became the largest party. According to studies published since then, 80% of the voters who voted for the Nazi Party were normal citizens from all strata of German society at the time.

A twisted creature, Adolf Hitler, whose every speech revealed utter madness, was elected on the promise of restoring Germany to greatness. This is perhaps an explanation for the fact that millions of Americans support Trump. They know very well that he is neither worthy nor qualified for the presidency. They are aware of the indictments against him, his blatant behavior, the disgusting arrogance he displays at every performance – but apparently these are the qualities they like.

According to columnists and senior commentators, even if Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination, his victory against the incumbent president and Democratic candidate Joe Biden is not guaranteed.

According to a recently published report, the campaign of Biden and Kamala Harris recently received donations in the amount of about 100 million dollars. A fact that proves that even in the polls the extent of support for Biden is currently at a low point – he is still accepted, liked and supported by large and leading sections of American society.

If Biden defeats Trump and wins a second term, then his continued presence as a leader in the White House will prevent the danger to democracy in the US, thwart the threat to the US’s status as a superpower, and ensure its presence on the world stage as a stabilizing factor and a source of hope.

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