Chabad Events and Community News: From Emissaries to Mazel Tovs

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2024-01-21 01:36:53

Governor R. Levi Leviev The founder of ‘Or Avner’ in the Commonwealth of Nations came to Kfar Chabad to console his friend the rabbi Meir Stamblerthe chairman of the “Federation of Jewish Communities in Ukraine”, who sits seventh after his mother AH.

Our sacred courtyards: The Chabad rabbi businessman Shneor Gorfinkel – CEO of the Chabad Halacha Institute, we will be watching together with the rabbi Mendi Lerner – Chabad businessmen in Nachala and the director of the ‘Tefarat Eliezer’ community in Nachalat Menachem, were seen alongside the community representatives who arrived on the occasion of the 10th Shebat to draw forces in the Amot of the KK ADS from the HM. Photo: Shalom Ras.

The popular radio broadcaster Ami Maimon From ‘Kol Brama’, known as the ‘Sher of Joy’, this week he served as godfather in the alliance to his grandson, his son Zemach David. “And his name shall be called in Israel”: Liam is busy. Mazel Tov!

On the way to making IDF soldiers happy: Chabad keyboardist R. Alor Valner Rishon Lezion, who is currently serving in the reserves, was spotted somewhere in the south of the country.

the Chabad singer Gernheim deer We saw him this week traveling between concerts somewhere in the world.

At a surprise birthday meeting for the Chabad media advisor Yossi Goldberger At the organization of the ‘Or in the Heart’ institutions in Or Yehuda, the Minister of National Security came to congratulate Itamar Ben Gabir and the Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu.

R. Avrami Oren Oran-Media company in a selfie with those behind the annual alumni event for the Hanoch Laner institutions in Safed.

system team ‘Status Info’ We are happy to wish a warm and heartfelt Mazal Tov blessing to the family of the editorial board member, the Chabad media rabbi Shneor Zalman and Hani Elfenbein On the occasion of the birth of their eldest son at a good and auspicious time • Congratulations!

Rabbi of Kiryat Gat and head of the Chabad yeshiva in the Rabbi city Moshe Havlin, This week we will observe the memorial service of the Rabbi Dan Mordechai Cohen Zzal Zakan Hachmi Tunis, organized by his son the Hakohen Shlita – the rabbi of the Tunisian community in Jerusalem, with the participation of rabbis and rebbes.

With the end of ‘Shabbat Shkolah Moshiach’ in preparation for the great and holy day Yod Shvet, the influencers of Shabbat Rabbi were observed Reuven Matusov and the rabbi Shlomo Zalman Landa Together with the saying “And he will give you”. Photo: Dov Ber Hechtman.

At the beret ceremony for the 51st Battalion in the Golani Brigade and just before the soldiers descend on Gaza, it is important to speak words of encouragement to the soldiers and their parents Yosef Haim Rosenblatt – The Rebbe’s messenger and rabbi of the Lower Galilee regional council.

Eve of the 10th tribe: The Rabbi’s emissary army in Rishon Lezion expands with a new emissary to the Abramovitz neighborhood and Rabbi Jabotinsky Triangle Haim Moshe Alparovitch Let him work together with the messenger in the neighborhood Rabbi Haim Rivkin Under the messenger and chairman of the Chabad houses in the city of Rabbi Yitzhak Grozman.

In preparation for Yod Shavat at the Chabad stand at the airport in New York, we were observed at the airport The Rebbe of Sadiguraand following his acquaintance with the activists from the past times, and the registration of his children for letters in the ‘Sefer Torah for the Children of Israel’ – he received the children’s certificates.

the man of grace Shay Graucher Watched together with the rabbi Berl Lazar – The Chief Rabbi of Russia, in a moment of rest in the new hall of ‘Malka Catering’ in Rishon Lezion, under the management of Chef R. Abi Malka

in the visit of the Minister of Transport Miri Regev A barge was spotted at the Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva Uncle Sassy Places a teflin at the Chabad booth in the medical center operated by the rabbi Yossi Litzman.

The emissary to Namibia Rabbi Yosef Rahimi After an important meeting with the German ambassador in the country.

The educationist Shahar Sha’ar He gave to the hero of Israel Yair Ansbacher His book “Successful Leader Manager”, and of course he didn’t miss a selfie.

Mazel Tov: The Rebbe’s emissary to the Rabbi’s security forces Mandy way Hug a male child at a good and successful time.

At the halakhah celebration for the rabbi’s son Menachem Mendel Farber – Influential in the YISHK Chahal Safed, the rabbinical grandfathers were observed Hirsch Live Suburb – The Rebbe’s messenger Mahm Gila Jerusalem, the rabbi Yosef Haim Rosenblatt – Messenger of the Rebbe of the Ha’am and Rabbi of the Lower Galilee Regional Council. Documentation: Avraimka Eisenstein • Happy birthday!

Also this week we saw the rabbi Itzik Sandroy – The head of the Mitzpe Yitzhar Chabad Yeshiva, when he is not on duty guarding the hills of Mitzpe Yitzhar.

Paar Zlatarheit: The blessing of your departure to peace to our friend the Holy Prophet Menachem Mendel Tsikvshili On the occasion of his departure on the mission of the Rebbe King Moshiach to Marcos, Guatemala. May he succeed in the holy work – preparing his place and surroundings to welcome our righteous Messiah. In the photo: seen with his innocent friends after a night of meetings before going on a mission.

You are the darling of the section – the Chabad singer Simcha Friedman We caught this week at the airport saying the “daily lessons” at the end of morning prayer after returning from an event show.

until morning: This week there was a special meeting of the emissaries in Haifa, with the great influencer Yosef Yitzchak Gurevich, In strengthening the attachment to the Rebbe and preparing ourselves and the world to welcome the Messiah.

This week behind the scenes in the fascinating show “Hearing Ears” was seen the director of the show Rabbi Manny Sassoon With the Rosh Yeshivas Chahal in Safed and the Rebbe’s emissary Shalita the King of the Messiah to the Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Volishansky.

The editor of the website Abraham Eisenstein, Chabad Info photographer Dov Ber Hechtman and the media director at the World ETH Daniel Cohen In the closing picture of ‘Shabbat Shekula Moshiach’ next to the highly influential Shabbat guest Reuven Matusovthe Rebbe’s emissary to the European Lubavitcher Chamber in France.

Shabbat evening photo: On the eve of Shabbat Kodesh, the great and holy day of Yod Shvet Netzva, the Rabbi Elazar broke out Head of Mashiach headquarters in the city of Netanya, near Beit Hainu 770, as he shares with his thousands of viewers the exciting feeling of being in the courtyards of our sanctuary.

In the eye of the lens: The candidate for mayor of Kiryat Malachi Mr Elior Amar He arrived in preparation for the holy day of Y’h Shebat, to the world Chabad center – Beit Hainu 770, to strengthen himself and receive the blessing for success in his great mission, where he received a special tour from the Mendy Eisenstein. Status Info has learned that this is the third time (!) that Amr gets to come to our holy courts.

The rabbi of the city of Bnei Brak, the rabbi Haim Yitzhak Izik Landa and from the Mayor Hanoch SeibertYeju Mirish a miris of miracle belongs to the best of the best of the Basha of the next morning, but the rabbitholders LaserS. G. A Shlomo Kostlitz and Israel Shenor The community representative in the neighborhood.

In the records of the Central Shebat Jud in Ra’anana, the Daniel Cohen , The director of the activity in Ra’anana and the son of the rabbi Moshe Cohen From the Chabad center Brenna, m Eliyahu Yossian Expert researcher on Iranian affairs, winner of the Israel Security Award and a member of the security movement.

At the end of the central documentation in Ra’anana, Eliyahu Yossian We were seen writing to the Rabbi the King of the Messiah in ‘Agrot Kodesh’ with great excitement with the Rabbi Moshe Cohen The Rebbe’s messenger to the city of Ra’anana.

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