Keys to 2024 with better healthy habits

by time news

2024-01-17 09:55:12

January, month of taking stock of our healthy habits and reflecting on the new resolutions to take care of ourselves in 2024. Cinfa offers us ten rabbits to promote healthy habits from the first month of the year.

A man training. EFE/Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Latest Food Consumption Report in Spain, prepared by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in 2022, concluded that our healthy habits are changing and that more and more people eat outside the home or consume industrial dishes, to the detriment of homemade preparations. How will they change in 2024?

Furthermore, regarding sports practice, the 2022 Living Conditions Survey pointed out that a 37,7 % from practical Spanish population regularly exercise physical activity, compared to 27.4 who declare themselves sedentary.

Julio Maset, graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Navarra and Cinfa expertencourages us to take advantage of the first weeks of the year to reflect on our state of physical and mental fitness.

Nutrition, one of the key habits in 2024

Taking care of our nutrition is one of the fundamental pillars to acquire good eating habits and try to maintain a varied and balanced diet throughout the year, low in fats and sugars and rich in fruits and vegetables.

It is not only about what we eat, but also how we eat it, and “choosing to cook food with healthy culinary techniques such as cooking, baking, grilling or steaming, which are very beneficial for our health.”

Stand up to sedentary lifestyle

Another of the healthy habits recommended to maintain a healthy life is the practice of physical exercise, key to maintaining or increasing muscle mass and mineral bone density. In addition, sport improves cardiorespiratory fitness and strengthens the immune system.

“Everyone should choose the physical activity that best suits their tastes, time availability and general state of health: walking, dancing, swimming, practicing yoga, going to the gym or riding a bike, anything goes. Even taking the stairs instead of taking the elevator at home or work helps to combat a sedentary lifestyle and stay active on a daily basis,” says Dr. Maset.

Rest is also important to take care of our health. “Only if we enjoy a restful night’s rest, will we be able to face our daily tasks the next day and, in this way, better manage another of the great enemies of well-being, the stress“explains the doctor.

Furthermore, according to Julio Maset, Sleeping well will help raise our defenses and, therefore, to keep any infection at bay. Correct sleep hygiene will also allow us to reduce risk of contracting respiratory infections and gastrointestinal such as the flu, colds or the dreaded gastroenteritis.

Likewise, the specialist advocates abandoning toxic habits such as tobacco or alcohol consumption.

“Find time to try disconnect from obligations and carry out recreational activities and leisure, whether alone or with our family and friends, it will be an excellent way to take care of ourselves,” concludes the health specialist. Cinfa.

Leading healthy lifestyle habits is essential to take care of heart health. EFE/EPA/ANDY RAIN

Decalogue of healthy habits for 2024

  • Eat everything and in the right quantities. Try to follow a healthy, varied and balanced diet that includes a large amount of fruits and vegetables, in order to keep your weight under control and strengthen your immune system.
  • Hydrate yourself properly. Your body needs about two liters of fluids a day to stay in shape. Therefore, try to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, although you can also drink natural juices -without overdoing it-, infusions and broths. As much as possible, avoid sugary and carbonated drinks.
  • Opt for healthy cuisine. Remember that cooking, steaming, grilling or baking are excellent options for healthy cooking without giving up flavour, which you can enhance with spices and vinegars, but without excess salt. Reserve fried foods and sauces only for special occasions.
  • Stay active. The battle against a sedentary lifestyle begins by moving more on a daily basis, using the stairs instead of the elevator or traveling on foot instead of in the car. The WHO recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
  • Wash your hands frequently. Wash them with soap and water for at least 15 seconds, paying special attention to the area between your fingers and under your nails.
  • Avoid toxic or unhealthy habits. A balanced diet and sport should be accompanied by other habits such as eliminating tobacco consumption and reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption. Above all, in the last part of the afternoon, try to reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages, as well as stimulating substances such as coffee or chocolate.
  • Sleep at least seven to eight hours a day. Rest is essential for our body, but, in addition, insomnia and lack of sleep are related to a greater risk of overweight and obesity. Therefore, it is advisable to sleep seven or eight hours a day following the most regular schedules possible. Avoid long naps during the day and, at night, try not to look at electronic devices before going to bed and even less so in bed.
  • Practice relaxation activities. Regularly practicing activities such as muscle relaxation, meditation, mindfulness or yoga, controlling your breathing and even listening to music in a calm environment will help you regulate peaks of stress and nerves.
  • Disconnect and enjoy your hobbies. Setting aside time for entertainment, hobbies, and social and family life is necessary to increase our sense of well-being. Try to moderate your use of screens during your free time.
  • Go for regular medical check-ups. Undergoing regular medical checkups can help you prevent and detect the onset of diseases early. Also, whenever possible, get vaccinated to prevent infections.

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