The paradox of the ‘new Vox’: it entrusts itself to the success of its barons while maintaining the discourse against the CCAA

by time news

2024-01-22 02:57:08

Updated Monday, January 22, 2024 – 01:57

The channels of politics take parties to places where they never thought they would reach. After a decade meandering with the demand for the end of the autonomous model, Vox opens its dome to the territorial leaders. They do so after they have accumulated growing power in recent months and are today indispensable figures in the formation’s organic decision-making. His appearance in Bamb’s engine room coincides with the departure of the few representatives of the most liberal sector of the party and with this definitive restructuring they become a new internal counterweight to Santiago Abascal. The Vox leader continues to deny the existence of barons in his formation despite the fact that these figures, all related to him, are increasingly relevant and their voices have resonated with more power since last spring.

His landing in the future National Executive Committee (CEN) will be approved next Saturday in the General Assembly that will re-elect Abascal. His presence is due to the success that Vox achieved in the municipal and regional elections on May 28. They managed to turn the anecdote into a category and Vox went from being present in a single regional executive to doing so in five: Castilla y León, Valencian Community, Aragon, Region of Murcia and Extremadura. Four of these regions will be represented at the highest level at the top of the party starting next week thanks to the landing of their vice presidents in Madrid.

Its success coincides and contrasts with Vox’s failure at the national level last June 23, which doubled the media and political notoriety of the regional leaders. So much so that the Vox leadership was forced to create in September an ad hoc figure for the territorial coordination of the party –Montserrat Lusformer chief of staff of Juan García-Gallardo in the Junta de Castilla y León and also a new addition to the executive organization chart after the Assembly on Saturday. But now Abascal gives his regional heavyweights entry into his dome as a symbol of openness to calm the internal tension and the accusations of bunkerization, which coincide with the puncture on 23-J and the departures of prominent leaders, before and after the elections, the majority from the most liberal sector as far as economic discourse is concerned. The last movement in this direction occurred a few days ago, when Abascal left Vctor Gonzlez -which adds to the outputs of Ivn Espinosa de los Monteros, Rubn Manso, Victor Sánchez del Real o Mireia Borrs, among others- outside the management of which he was a part for the last four years. What’s more, it is the only position that he does not repeat for the next term, along with Pedro Fernndezright hand of Javier Ortega-Smith.

Sources from Abascal’s team, in any case, point out that the president of Vox has not sought a distribution of regional quotas as exists in other parties and that, in fact, there are already other internal bodies for communication and work with territorial leaders. The party’s own organic model, in fact, does not contemplate the figure of regional presidents but rather provincial ones, precisely to stop the construction of baronies and maintain the centrality and verticality of the party with a single center of power in Madrid. But the new territorial leaderships have such a degree of prominence that Abascal seriously considered holding the General Assembly outside of Madrid, in one of the territories where Vox co-governs.

Of the twenty people who will make up the future central committee of Vox, nearly half will provide an important peripheral vision to Vox despite the fact that in the electoral program less than six months ago the party cried out in its first point against the system of autonomous communities. and called for the devolution of powers to the central government: The political decentralization developed by the autonomous state, far from bringing the administrations closer to the citizens, has created new centralisms that have used their capacity to always legislate for the benefit of the autonomous elites and to the detriment of the Spanish.

These are several vice presidents and senior institutional leaders of Vox in the regions: the vice president of Castilla y León, Juan Garca-Gallardo; that of the Region of Murcia, Jos angel Antelo; that of Aragón, Alejandro Nolascoand that of the Valencian Community, Vicente Barrera. The Valencian quota is also completed by the president of the Valencian Cortes, Mass Plainsand Antelo is accompanied by the Vox spokesperson at the Murcia City Council, Luis Gestosoman of Santiago Abascal’s maximum confidence.

Murcia is precisely the great electoral bastion of Vox. The latest surveys show the strength of the party in the Region and even predict severe growth, positive proof of the management of José Ángel Antelo in the Government that he shares with the popular Fernando Lopez Miras. Both Antelo and Juan García-Gallardo are personal bets of Santiago Abascal, with whom they maintain a direct line and fluid communication.

To all of them we must add the figure of Ignacio Garriga -ideologist, by the way, of the territorial strategy with which Vox triumphed on March 28-, which will concentrate all the power of the vice presidencies in a super-secretary general, and which comes from the Catalan branch of Vox, one of the most combative by its role in the face of separatism, as also occurs in the Valencian Community or in the delegation in the Balearic Islands.

However, the archipelago has been left without representatives on the National Executive Committee despite the good electoral results. The same happens with Extremadura, where even Vox is part of the Executive of Mara Guardiola, despite the fact that it only has one advisor. In both territories it happens that the regional leaders have rebelled on different occasions against the leadership of Santiago Abascal and have accumulated numerous episodes of splits, internal crises and critical positions with the roadmap set out in recent times by Bamb.

CASTILLA AND LEN. Juan García-Gallardo gained weight in the party after 17% of the 2022 elections. On 23-J, despite the general crisis, he retained 14% in the region. Despite criticism of his lack of powers within the Government, he is one of the profiles with the greatest public projection.

MURCIA. José Ángel Antelo pushed to the limit to enter the Murcian Government of Fernando López Miras. The resolution of the crisis has suited him well: the polls already push him above 20%. Murcia is a quarry: Abascal has also given Luis Gestoso, spokesperson at the City Council, entry into the leadership.

ARAGN. Despite his low media profile, Alejandro Nolasco has been gaining weight in the Aragonese Executive and also in Abascal’s circle in recent weeks. He was one of the barons who did not ‘get in the way’ in the 23-J campaign and delayed his pact to enter the popular Executive of Jorge Azcón.

VALENCIAN COMMUNITY. Double landing, with the vice president Vicente Barrera and the president of the Valencian Cortes, Llanos Mass. Unlike in Aragón, the Valencian Community birthed an express pact that gave Vox entry into the Valencian government of Carlos Mazán.

The candidate of Vox in Galicia, lvaro Daz-Mella, with Abascal.EFE

Abascal waits for the Vox bagpipes to sound in Galicia on February 18

The national leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, stated yesterday during the presentation of his candidates for the Galician elections that his party hopes that the bagpipes will sound on February 18 and achieve representation for the first time in Galicia. At an event in Pontevedra, where he shared the stage with the head of the list, Álvaro Díaz-Mella, Abascal advocated giving a scare to Alfonso Rueda’s Popular Party, which he considers comfortable in the absolute majority.

Along with Daz-Mella, Abascal affirmed that Vox is the only one to whom someone else tells him that he does not have to run for office to facilitate his continued governing, in reference to the words this week of the president of the PP, Alberto Nez Feijo. He is dedicated to applying the talks of the left, criticized Vox about its potential partner, and criticized the pact between the PP and the PSOE to reform article 49 of the Constitution to eliminate the term handicapped from the Magna Carta.

In the middle of a blow to the Constitution, he comes to the aid of Mr. Sánchez with pacts, Abascal launched, also pointing out the attempt to renew the CGPJ with European mediation. Instead, the Vox leader defended that we should be thinking about how to vote against Mr. Sánchez, and not throw oxygen balls at him.

#paradox #Vox #entrusts #success #barons #maintaining #discourse #CCAA

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