But in Hasidism: the governor who supports the Torah has passed away

by time news

But in the Bayan Hasidic courtyard with the untimely death of the late Rabbi Yaakov Ludmir, one of the owners of the Judea and Matzah Carmel matzah bakery and a member of the presidential committee of the Hasidic court, who passed away early in the morning after years of torment at the age of 53.

Baruch Dayan HaAmet: From Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem this morning comes the sad news of the death of the late Governor R. Yaakov Ludmir, a member of the Presidential Committee of the Bayan Institutions Center and of the owners of Carmel and Judea Matzah, who contracted the disease The terrible, and early in the morning he returned his soul to its creator at the age of 53 to the chagrin of his family and thousands of Bayan followers.

The late deceased was born in Jerusalem on the 14th of Av 5768 to his father, Rabbi Shimon Ludmir, one of the most important followers of Bayan, and to his mother, Mrs. Chaya Bracha, who died in her youth.

The audience of the Bayan Chassidim community mourned the death of Rabbi Ludmir, who was a living and active man for Torah and Chassidut. His soul in the Rebbe Shlita of Bayan, “great is the loss and has no recompense,” they say in Hasidism.

With his teacher and rabbi the Rebbe of Bayan. Photo: Archive

Rabbi Yaakov suffered for many years and in his life he had two of his children, every year he was strong and would purchase for the Rebbe of Bayan the 4th species for the holiday of Sukkot, on the Rebbe’s birthday a few years ago he bought new tefillin and served as president of the Bayan Institutions Center.

He was one of the owners of the Matzah of Judah and the Matzah of Carmel and distributed his fortune to charity in a special way and all in secret and modestly. Every student in storks whose son-in-law has received a decent hand gift from a generous heart.

In addition, he was one of the founders of the Bayan Chassidut Kitchen “Chesdei Ish” named after the late Rabbi Yaakov Shapira, who was a partner in the Bayan business, and together they established the Bayan Institutions Center many years ago.

The funeral procession will depart today at 12:30 noon from the large “cloister” of Bayan followers on Malkei Israel Street in Jerusalem to Mount of Beatitudes in Jerusalem where Whitman is buried.

May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life.

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