by time news

2024-01-22 20:19:17

We played just enough, almost not even that, in an atypical debut, without an audience, after 14 days of work.

It was perfectly possible to see some players lying around, missing spaces on the field, and missing simpler passes.

In any case, as Gauchão is still pre-season, the team played at a training pace in the first half, taking some risks, and started to apply more pressure in the second, playing more advanced, scored and resumed training mode.

The scheme is the same, 4132, with the same type of movement that we saw last year, but even more slowly and with little objectivity, preserving possession of the ball.

Inter went back and forth in the first attempt in which Avenida closed the lines, not trying a bolder pass, not even a faster movement.

In fact, in these games against well-established teams we see how Alan Patrick is missed, as he is one of the few who can break the marking with a dribble.

Real chance, one, wasted by Enner when trying to dribble, when the touch to Alario would be the best option. I’m not critical, the attacker has to want the goal; Luis Adriano, for example, didn’t shoot.

In the first half the issue of chemistry also spoke loudly. Hyoran didn’t get along with Bustos like Maurício did, and Wanderson missed Alan Patrick to exchange passes on the side, and Enner didn’t get along with Alario.

After a sluggish first half, we came back more energetic for the second half, and Coudet made small changes in positioning, making the team press harder until they reached the goal. Both Hyoran and Wanderson started to frequent the opponent’s area more, and the goal came with the full-back supporting it.

Of course he took risks, but Avenida didn’t pose any danger, except in a move in the first half, with a wrong conclusion, or in the unlucky Ivan’s mistake in an aerial ball. The team further ahead and with more people in the area came closer to the goal until scoring on Ener’s assist for Wanderson to score, after Renê’s cross.

After the goal we resumed the game without speed and movement from the first half, until the end of the game.

I liked Robert Renan, even with the mistake saved by Anthoni, and we played with two defenders with vertical output. I didn’t see much in Bruno Henrique and Hyoran, due to the lack of interaction, and Alario was the most outgoing on the team.

For a debut with just a few days of work, it was enough, nothing more, highlighting that the tactical part was followed and Coudet knew how to change the game when needed. The team’s slowness and low intensity hamper any performance, but it is not a characteristic to be required during this period.


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