The forms and instructions for the 2022 tax return have been published online

by time news – The new 2022 declaration forms are ready with the relative instructions that individuals, companies and non-commercial entities they will use in the next reporting season, for the 2021 tax period.

In fact, from today they are available on the Revenue website, in the section dedicated to the models, both the new version Income 2022 for individuals, and those updated for non-commercial entities, partnerships, joint stock companies, IRAP and national consolidated worldwide.

The new models were approved with the measures signed today by the director of the Revenue Agency.

Among the novelties of this year, in addition to the Superbonus at 110%, in the Personal Income model there is also the music bonus and the tax credit for the purchase with VAT of the first home for the under 36, while in the models for Society of individuals, corporations and non-commercial entities, the possibility of deducting more quickly the higher value attributed to “intangible” assets as well as the new regulation of the innovative Ace enters.

From Superbonus to Bonus Musica, new features of the PF Income model

The new model, to be submitted electronically by 30 November, takes into account the new provisions introduced for the 2021 tax year. In particular, they range from the adjustments of the supplementary treatment and the further deduction in favor of employees to the Superbonus, from the new “music bonus” for expenses related to music schools, conservatories and choirs to the tax credit for the installation of filtering systems and water quality improvement.

There is also space for the tax credit for the purchase of a first home with VAT, dedicated to under 36s and to the increases for the deductions relating to veterinary expenses and mobile bonuses incurred in 2021. In addition, among the tax credits, included in the CR part, there is space for the new codes to benefit from the bonuses for the sanitation costs of non-hotel facilities and purchase of protection devices and those for water purifiers and for reducing the consumption of plastic containers.

And again, the prospectus for the application of the Ace discipline, to allow the calculation of the so-called “innovative ACE”, and the changes regarding the “Patent box” have been incorporated with an increase of 110% of research and development costs incurred in relation to software, industrial patents, designs and models that are used in its business.

From the innovative ACE to the new Patent Box, the news of the income models for companies and non-commercial entities

The corporate and company income models also take into account the changes for the 2021 tax year. In particular, the new discipline of the “Patent box” with the possibility of using, in determining the business income and the value of production for IRAP purposes, the 110 percent increase in research and development costs incurred in relation to software protected by copyright, industrial patents, designs and models used in carrying out its business activity.

In order to take advantage of it, in part OP, the revision of the prospectus for the exercise of the option was also envisaged as well as in part RS, a section for indicating the data relating to the option and monitoring the useful data relating to the assets subject to the “Patent box”.

A new section XXIV of the RQ framework has been prepared for those who intend deduct more quickly the greater value attributed to intangible assets, by paying a substitute tax for income taxes and IRAP and any additional taxes.

Finally, the prospectus (in part RS) for the application of the so-called ACE discipline was integrated to allow the calculation of the new “innovative ACE” facility which allows to determine the facility by applying a rate of 15 percent to the change in capital increase in 2021 (which is recognized for a maximum amount of 5 million euros regardless of the amount of shareholders’ equity) and to manage its alternative use in the form of a tax credit.

Tax credits established in 2021 have been included in the RU framework, including the credit for 2021 sanitation costs, the theater and entertainment bonus, the R&D drug and vaccine credit and that for biomedical research, the credit for high-level professional training, the bonus for the requalification of accommodation facilities and the bonus for the digitalization of travel agencies and tour operators.

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