Space, Second Generation Cosmo-SkyMed orbit

by time news

It is in orbit, successfully launched into the night the second satellite of the Italian constellation Cosmo-SkyMed of the Second Generation (Csg) promoted by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the Ministry of Defense, with the contribution of the Ministry of University and Research. The take-off – after several postponements – took place at 00.11 Italian time from the base of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aboard the Falcon 9 carrier of the American company SpaceX, and it is the first time for an Italian satellite to fly aboard the launcher of the Elon company Musk. With the second satellite of the constellation, the sixth in orbit, the operations and overall capabilities of the entire Cosmo-SkyMed constellation will be expanded, in line with the objectives set by ASI and the Ministry of Defense, which promoted, financed and directed, in the role of clients, the entire development program. “Strengthening the Cosmo-SkyMed satellite system is essential, they are extremely performing machines and are also an excellent tool for interacting with other countries, for space diplomacy, through this new currency that are the data ” noted the president of the Italian Space Agency, Giorgio Saccoccia, outlining with the wide spectrum of repercussions for Italy of the dual satellite system made in Italy of Earth Observation which, as of today, has been enriched with the second satellite of the Second Generation. Thanks to Cosmo SkyMed, Saccoccia underlines, “we already have many collaborations underway that we hope to extend to other countries as well”. “Cosmo is part of the collaborating missions with Copernicus and we collaborate with the European Union” also recalls the number one of ASI.

The launch of the second Cosmo Cosmo-SkyMed Csg is therefore “a new important milestone for Italy which thus once again wins a leading position in the field of Earth Observation” underline Asi and Difesa, recalling that the high accuracy of the Cosmo-SkyMed images and the high spatial and temporal resolution they are a powerful tool for monitoring ground movement and observing strategic infrastructure such as dams, bridges or buildings. The data provided by the constellation represent a fundamental resource also for the protection of the marine environment and its safety.

I am two million images acquired by both generations of Cosmo-SkyMed satellites from 2008 to today and 7 billion square kilometers monitored in the years, equal to about 14 times the entire area of ​​the planet

520 is the number of dual polarization images that can be acquired each day by a single second generation satellite. Five satellites are already in orbit: 4 first generation (CSK) launched from 2007 to 2010 and with today 2 second generation (Csg), the first launched in 2019. Equipped with a synthetic aperture radar sensor, the Cosmo-SkyMed satellites monitor the entire planet in all weather and lighting conditions, providing high resolution data that allows numerous applications in different sectors: climate change, sustainable resource management, agriculture, cultural heritage, control of critical infrastructures, maritime safety and emergency management.

Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini stresses that “the constellation of second generation Cosmo-SkyMed satellites constitutes a resource of fundamental importance for Defense, thanks to its Earth observation capabilities in any weather condition “.” At a strategic level, it will allow Defense to have a constantly updated information framework of potential risk factors and the timely assessment of the operational situation , in order to support the decision-making process to make the most appropriate choices “adds Guerini, recalling that” with this program the national space industry confirms its leadership position in the development of high-tech systems, in particular radars and very high resolution sensors . This result is the result of the strong synergy between universities and industry, corroborated by the skills of our civil and military technicians, as well as by the fruitful osmosis of experience and knowledge between Defense and the Italian Space Agency, a heritage to be maintained and enhanced over the years to safeguard national technological sovereignty. . The Cosmo-SkyMed program also represents an important opportunity for future further international cooperation “.

“The launch of the new satellite of the second generation of the Cosmo-SkyMed constellation demonstrates all the Italian ambition in the field of Earth Observation and our extraordinary expertise in radar payloads (Sar) “is the comment of the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition with responsibility for space, Vittorio Colao.” A competence – Colao observes – made up of great industrial capabilities – such as Leonardo and its joint ventures Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio – but also by the contribution of numerous national SMEs and an extremely dynamic and competitive ecosystem of public and private entities. Thanks to the two generations of Cosmo-SkyMed satellites we are able to improve the quality of critical information and speed up data transmission “.

“One of the strengths of our country’s space and aerospace sector is the completeness of its industrial and research supply chain” he noted Maria Cristina Messa, Minister of University and Research.

With Cosmo-SkyMed the best national space industry took to the field with Leonardo and its joint ventures Thales Alenia Space (Thales 67%, Leonardo 33%) and Telespazio (Leonardo 67%, Thales 33%) with the contribution of numerous small and medium-sized national enterprises. Of the program, Thales Alenia Space is responsible for the entire system and construction of the satellites, Telespazio is responsible for the Earth segment and manages the Leop, Iot, and operational qualification phases of the satellites, Leonardo supplies the attitude sensors, solar panels and energy distribution units, e-geos exclusively markets Cosmo-SkyMed radar data worldwide. The centers involved in the program are Telespazio’s Fucino Space Center, which houses the control center from which the entire constellation is managed, the ASI Matera Space Center, operated by E-Geos and Cosmo-skymed data. the satellite integration center of Thales Alenia Space in Rome, laboratories of technological excellence, were acquired, processed and distributed all over the world, where the first and second generation satellites were built.

“This launch represents a new success for Italy in Space and is the result of investments and skills the result of the joint effort of institutions, the scientific community and industry. In the front row is Leonardo, with Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio, at the helm of a vast network of small and medium-sized enterprises “ comments the CEO of Leonardo, Alessandro Profumo. “The far-sighted and systemic vision that inspired Cosmo-SkyMed is the same that must guide us today in facing, as a country, the challenges of the New Space Economy and transforming them into opportunities for recovery: Leonardo is ready to do its part “adds Profumo.

“The success of this launch represents a crucial moment for the entire Second Generation Cosmo-SkyMed constellation which, thus expanded and in view of the final configuration of 4 satellites, will guarantee a real leap in terms of technology and performance, consolidating the leadership of Thales Alenia Space worldwide in the space radar observation infrastructures “underlines the CEO of Thales Alenia Space Italia, Massimo Comparini. Pand the Coordinator of Leonardo’s Space Activities and Chief Executive Officer of Telespazio, Luigi Pasquali, “Cosmo-SkyMed, with its highly innovative operational capabilities, has contributed since 2007 to the continuous monitoring of the earth’s surface, to the needs relating to safety and the management of natural events, providing a contribution of primary importance to its civil and defense users. “. (by Andreana d’Aquino)

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