rituals to cut negative energies and fulfill wishes

by time news

This Thursday, January 25, 2024, the first full Moon of the year occurs. And he does it under the sign of Leo.

Also known as Moon of the wolf, its appearance demarcates the perfect time to determine and fulfill goals and intentions for the new year that has just begun.

The thing is that for astrology, the full moon indicates the right moment to carry out plans, projects and everything that we have been maturing for a long time.

And in this case, furthermore, especially everything linked to the leonine qualities that are imposed in the air of this full moon.

Leo is a strong sign which is characterized by its joy of living and being fun; It is a majestic sign, with great initiative, nobility and creative capacity. And, at the same time, it is a sign that is characterized by its domain and control capacity.

Therefore, it is a good Full Moon to do rituals aimed at giving us strength to fulfill desires and face negative energies.

This January 2024, the Full Moon occurs in Leo. Photo: Shutterstock

Full Moon Ritual in Leo for January 2024 against negative energies and for self-esteem

This powerful ritual can be performed during the first night of the full Moon or during the two following nights.

In a quiet place (if it is next to a window, the better) we prepare an altar with a violet (or purple) candle, a ribbon of the same color, a lemon and a glass of water with coarse salt.

This ritual is intended to cut off the negative energies that affect us. Photo: Web

After lighting the candle, we repeat this prayer three times: “Powerful Moon, I ask you to remove everything bad and dark that surrounds me.”. I open myself to all the good that life gives me; I accept and deserve all the goodness that you offer me. “I love myself, I approve of myself and I unite with all the power of the Moon and the Universe.”.

And we end up repeating three times: “Thank you thank you thank you”:

When the candle goes out, we pour the water with our left hand into a pot or a place with soil. And we dispose of the lemon as far as possible from our home.

In this way we discharge all our negativity and are prepared to “reboot” ourselves energetically.

To protect ourselves and reinforce our self-esteem, we tie the tape to our wrist or ankle and leave it there until it falls off on its own.

Full Moon ritual in Leo for January 2024 to fulfill deep desires

On a white piece of paper we write down the objectives and desires that we want to fulfill.

In this case, the best thing is that they connect with ourselves, with activities that we want to start and with everything that has to do with our self-esteem and security.

They can be goals linked to improvements at work, the start of new activities or personal projects, or related to love, whether we want to start a relationship or strengthen ties with the one we have.

A white candle and three bay leaves: what is needed for this ritual. Photo: Shutterstock

In the light of the Moon (or as close to a window as possible), we fold the paper and place it under a glass of water. Next to it, we put three bay leaves.

We light a white candle and repeat this prayer three times: “May all the strength of your energy help me fulfill (we name the wishes we write). As always, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

We let the candle go out, pour the water into a pot or somewhere with soil, and keep the paper along with the bay leaves in a drawer until the wishes come true.

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