Regarding the death of Piedad Córdoba

by time news

Death is an inevitable part of existence, it marks the end of biological and earthly life, it carries with it a complexity of interpretations and perceptions depending on what happens after death.

The death of Senator Piedad Córdoba, political leader, woman, black, human rights defender and who made great contributions to the construction of the country, has caused deep consternation, pain and sadness in many sectors and regions that aspire to change and peace. In other sectors the reactions were different, sectors of the political class that Colombians elect every four years to represent us in the spaces where decisions are made and public policies are built. It is urgent to re-think ourselves, humanity, politics and politics in Colombia.

The reactions of some congressmen to Córdoba’s death are reprehensible. Those who make grotesque comments, who degrade life even after death and who made great fanfare to celebrate his departure. This reconfirms the agonism, political and social antagonism in which an internal enemy is created, and in some way brings to mind the book of the Orangutan with sacleva.

Against the background of this reality, the complex relationship between death and the happiness of otherness emerges, reflecting how experiences of loss have consequences on our emotions and perspectives.

Death, often feared and avoided, causes different reactions in people. For some, the loss of a loved one can trigger sadness and deep pain, while for others, death can be perceived as a liberation or even a relief, especially in cases of prolonged suffering. This contrast of emotions reveals the complexity of the relationship between death and the perception of happiness in the context of otherness.

The happiness of otherness, that is, the joy or satisfaction experienced by others in response to death, raises ethical and moral questions. Is it acceptable to find happiness in the loss of another? How do we reconcile the different emotional responses to death in a diverse society?

“sooner or later all humanity will face it”

The answer may lie in empathy and mutual understanding. By recognizing the diversity of emotions that death awakens, we can cultivate an environment of respect and support. Open and compassionate communication can help build bridges between those facing loss and those who, in some ways, find comfort in the death of otherness.

They say there is no bad death…”

Of politics and posthumous respect: The crossed ethical line

Speaking ill of the dead, although not unusual in some contexts, is often considered disrespectful. For me personally, it arouses rejection reactions. I would like to express a number of things that, in response to the upbringing of good values ​​taught by my mother and father, I refrain from saying here.

In the complicated political scenario, where words and actions have significant weight, the recent behavior of several congressmen (Jota P Hernandez and María Fernanda Cabal) leaves questions and concerns. Speaking disparagingly of Senator Piedad Córdoba (deceased) not only challenges the norms of posthumous respect, but also questions the ethics inherent in politics.

Córdoba left leaving a legacy that will resonate in the history of our black communities, nationally and internationally. He dedicated himself to social and political issues in Latin America, in the defense of human rights in Colombia. He also advocated for the protection of the rights of vulnerable communities, especially during periods of conflict and violence, and played an active and significant role in the peace and reconciliation processes.

He always sought peaceful solutions to armed conflicts and promoted dialogue between different political groups. Their efforts in inclusion and representation in the political sphere, in the promotion and defense of women’s rights and gender equality, in international mediation in conflict situations are milestones that deserve recognition and respect from Colombian citizens. who mourns his departure.

In contrast to the vision and values ​​of the deceased leader, the fellow congressmen in question have opted for rhetoric that, instead of uniting, divides. His approach has led to criticism not only of political dissent, but of a lack of tact and respect in the discourse.

The Colombian reality has shown that political criticism is inherent to the democratic process, but disdain towards someone who can no longer respond is crossing an ethical line that should not be crossed. Politics, at its core, must foster dialogue and understanding, even when opinions differ.

Constructive criticism and political debate are essential, and so is leadership based on empathy and respect. Do you think you could apologize? Would your pride and rudeness allow it? Surely they will not do it, they have fuel to set media channels and social networks on fire, so much so that it seems as if they were content creators.

Politics, on the other hand, must be a vehicle for collective improvement and not a ground for excessive disqualification. Could it be that the principles and values ​​of the political parties where they operate have already become final and costly? It is crucial that the political party takes forceful and exemplary actions in addressing this situation; they should publicly express their disapproval of these statements and behaviors of those involved. They should consider disciplinary measures and even dismissal.

Piedad Esneda Córdoba Ruiz

25/01/1955 – 20/01/2024

Your struggles will resonate like echoes of courage that will never go out.

Rest in the peace you always forged,

in the eternal embrace, where the light of love

It is eternally fraternal.

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