Annie Knight shocks again

by time news

Annie Knight (27) is referred to as Australia’s most sexually active woman. She shocked many by revealing that she had had sex with 300 people in one year. This is not something she is ashamed of – on the contrary, she says she feels empowered.

Caught in the act at the nude spa

In 2023, Annie chose to take on a “challenge”, according to Unilad. It was to go on 52 dates in 52 weeks. On average, there will be one date a week. She would date both women and men.

Annie therefore went from having sex to dating, with the aim of becoming more serious on the relationship front. She says this after several people have asked her why she is single, after dating so much.

In a video on her Instagram story, she shares why:

– Last year was supposed to be my dating year. I went on six dates and I immediately felt that I didn’t fit in with any of them, so I got bored. That’s why I took a break in May. Now I have just started dating again. The reason I am single is because it is difficult to find a partner who meets all my requirements. Which is frankly crazy, as these requirements are absolutely basic.

– My God, can I be so lucky?

The picky eater

Annie has previously stated that she is a bit picky when it comes to partners. In a TikTok video from November, she says that there have only been five people with whom she has gone on a second date.

She also says that she feels that several of these people have deceived her, as they do not look like they do in their photos, or that they lie about their height.

A potential partner must be loyal, kind, non-judgmental, have a good sense of humor, common interests, be able to hold a conversation, be confident without being “cocky”, and not be very “needy”, Annie has stated.

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A tough year

Despite Annie happily sharing details about her private life, it’s not all fun and games. The 27-year-old says that 2023 was a tough year – and the most challenging in his life so far. There are several factors that have contributed to it, which has led to it being tough on the psyche.

– I think I have cried more in 2023 than in the last three years combined. Nevertheless, it has also been a very rewarding year. To say that I have achieved almost all my dreams in one year is absolutely sick. I am so happy for all my followers and subscribers, who have made my dreams come true, she writes in a post on Instagram.

Annie has also found a new challenge that she will complete in 2024, according to Unilad: She wants to start the year with a bang, and that means having sex with 365 people in one year.

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