Start of the definitive withdrawal of MONUSCO – Congo Independent

by time news

2024-01-17 22:36:02

The Security Council extended, on December 19, 2023, for one year, until December 20, 2024, the mandate of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), while deciding to initiate its “progressive, responsible and sustainable withdrawal” from the country and to gradually transfer the tasks incumbent upon it to the Congolese government. Thus, MONUSCO (United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo) has just begun its withdrawal process by the province of South Kivu. This first experimental stage lasts until April, with the departure of around 2,000 soldiers.

In this context, 14 MONUSCO bases will be handed over to the FARDC (Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo). Following a UN (United Nations) press release dated December 12, 2023, under resolution 2717 (2023), adopted unanimously by its 15 members, the Council endorsed a withdrawal plan discussed on several occasions this year, by deciding that MONUSCO will maintain, until June 30, 2024, a maximum authorized strength of 13,500 soldiers, 660 military observers and staff officers, 591 police officers and 1,410 members of formed police units. From July 1, 2024, these numbers will be reduced to 11,500 soldiers, 600 military observers and staff officers, 443 police officers and 1,270 members of formed police units. After the test province of South Kivu, MONUSCO will withdraw from North Kivu during the second half of 2024. Then, it will be the turn of the province of Ituri. The complete withdrawal of peacekeepers is planned by the end of 2024 after evaluation of the stages.

MONUSCO becomes a problem

We have been talking about the withdrawal of MONUSCO for around fifteen years. In July 2007, a UN technical assessment mission visited the country. Its objective was to propose, in November 2007, to the UN Security Council a timetable for the gradual withdrawal of the Blue Helmets. Blue helmets have been in DR Congo since September 1999 to observe the ceasefire following the Lusaka Agreement. Then they moved on to monitoring this ceasefire. Then, it was a question of bringing the political transition process to its conclusion, namely the elections. Much later, they took on the mission of ensuring the protection of civilians, supporting the stabilization and strengthening of institutions as well as the main reforms linked to governance and security. The new MONUSCO withdrawal plan for 2024 was validated on August 14, 2021 in Kinshasa.

A preliminary report was presented to Ms. Bintou Keita n°1 of MONUSCO and to Jean Michel Sama Lukonde, Prime Minister. This report was submitted for signature in September 2021 to the United Nations in New York. The presence of the UN mission in Congo was not a smooth ride. Over time, the Blue Helmets had to face several criticisms. As soon as they arrived, they were involved in all kinds of shenanigans: abuse of authority, sexual abuse, namely pedophilia, prostitution, including with minors of both sexes, sexual harassment, rape, attempted rape, including drug trafficking. gold and weapons not to mention assassinations. Following staff misconduct, the UN declared zero tolerance for crimes of sexual exploitation and abuse. But the damage was already done. The Blue Helmets will then be criticized for their passivity in the face of the massacres perpetrated in the east of the country and their helplessness in the face of armed groups. It turned out that its armed units were neither sufficiently equipped nor trained to face a significant enemy military threat. The population of the east of the country was unanimous in recognizing that MONUSCO had failed in its mission. As a result, there were several protest movements, sometimes violent, demanding his departure. For Kinshasa, MONUSCO appeared more and more like a problem to be solved rather than a solution to the crisis.

The UN mission is not entirely negative

The role of the UN is not entirely negative. Perhaps we asked too much of them in relation to their means and their mission in a country where state authority is lacking. The UN mission has thus sometimes replaced the State where it does not exist, building roads, bridges, prisons, dispensaries, etc. His support for the period of political transition was appreciable. It made it possible to alleviate the various crises that undermined the process. She recruited and trained high-quality Congolese staff. Radio Okapi played a big role in informing and unifying the country. Several peacekeepers shed their blood to accomplish their mission. It should be remembered that after the capture of Goma, on November 20, 2012, by the M23 (March 23 Movement), this armed militia was finally defeated, on October 30, 2013, thanks to pressure exerted by the international community on Rwanda. and following a dazzling counter-offensive carried out jointly by the FARDC and the MONUSCO Intervention Brigade.

With an annual budget of nearly $1.5 billion, its economic weight is significant. Its workforce, which reached nearly 16,000 people, contributed to the national economy through its consumption in stores, restaurants and hotels. To this must be added the rents paid for homes and other buildings. All this will constitute a loss of income for the population. Due to the absence of MONUSCO, certain NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) will end their activities in certain parts of the country due to insecurity. The withdrawal of MONUSCO occurs while the east of the country is still prey to violence orchestrated by the M23. After the non-renewal by the government, on December 8, 2023, of the mandate of the regional force deployed by the EAC (East African Community) because of its ineffectiveness in fighting the rebels, SADC troops (Southern African Development Coordination Conference) came to the rescue to impose peace in the east of the country. This was decided on May 8, 2023 during the Summit of Heads of State in Windhoek (Namibia). South Africa, Malawi and Tanzania had committed to this effect. But if the security situation continues to deteriorate, the international community fears that DR Congo will request the return of another UN mission.

A new mission will cost more and it is not certain that funding and troops will be found. The only option left is the negotiation of a peace formula in the region. Which will be difficult for the Congolese people to admit.

Gaston Mutamba Permission



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#Start #definitive #withdrawal #MONUSCO #Congo #Independent

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