How to Keep Your Nasal Mucosa Healthy and Moist in Winter: Tips and Remedies

by time news

2024-01-26 08:40:46

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    A dry feeling in the nose is not only unpleasant, but also promotes flu-like infections. The best way to prevent it – including with a nasal spray.

    Low temperatures and dry heated air are not good for our mucous membranes. The combination causes the eyes and nose to dry out, which reduces well-being and even promotes illness. Our mucous membranes play an essential role in fighting viruses. There are certain antibodies (immunoglobulin A (IgA)) in the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth that intercept pathogens there and prevent them from penetrating the body.

    As the Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung (DAZ) further reports, the nasal mucosa must be covered with a thin film of liquid in order to maintain the protective barrier against potential pathogens. If the nasal mucosa is too dry, viruses have an easier time.

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    Moisturize the nasal mucosa: The best home remedies

    But how do you manage to keep your nose moist and so healthy? The easiest option is moistening nasal sprays, which are simply sprayed into the nose. The DAZ recommends using these especially in air-conditioned and heated rooms and on flights to protect yourself from pathogens in the air. Nasal ointments and oils could also be tried, it goes on to say. Make sure that the products do not contain any preservatives. According to the Pharmazeutische Zeitung (PZ), these have been criticized for years, especially the substance benzalkonium chloride. This preservative can trigger allergic reactions and cause lasting damage to the mucous membrane cells, it goes on to say. What you can do if you are constantly cold at home, know

    Many people suffer from dry nasal mucosa, especially in autumn and winter. © Thomas Trutschel/Imago

    The following home remedies have also proven effective for dry nasal mucous membranes:

    • Humidifiers (promotional content) keep the air moist even in heated rooms.
    • Do you drink much.
    • Steam inhalations moisten the nasal and throat mucosa.
    • Nasal rinses with saline solution moisten the mucous membranes optimally.
    • Get out in the fresh air as often as possible.

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    This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.

    #home #remedies #moisten #nose

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