‘The situation is complicated’: Mayor of Nemocón warns of fire spread – Other Cities – Colombia

by time news

Fire emergencies in Colombia have increased in recent hours, with strong conflagrations that threaten much of the native vegetation in different departments and put the lives of people and animals at risk.

One of the points where the situation is critical is in the municipality of Nemocón, Cundinamarca, where the flames have increased rapidly and the Mayor warns about the little control there is at the point.

“The fire is getting out of control, we have not been able to deliver water to the point,” warned President Cristian Carrillo.

(We recommend you read: LIVE | Fires in Bogotá: emergency in eastern hills and other conflagrations)

The situation in Nemocón is extremely complicated

The Mayor of Nemocón explained that the helicopter that had arrived to support the emergency had malfunctions, so they were not able to deliver enough water to control the flames.

“Although the Governor of Cundinamarca helped us this morning with the arrangements for the helicopter, the one that arrived had problems and we have not been able to do the maneuver that is needed, which is to spread water from the air,” President Cristian Carrillo told EL TIEMPO. .

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In addition, they are waiting for the arrival of a new helicopter to help them control the flames, which until now are being put out manually by relief agencies from Nemocón and nearby municipalities.

There are 180 hectares affected

In the municipality of Nemocón a strong fire is consuming the surrounding hills.

The magnitude of the flames is visible from surrounding municipalities and concern in the region increases with each passing minute.

So far, according to the calculation made by the Unified Command Post, there are a little more than 180 hectares affected in the rural area of ​​the municipality, although it has not been confirmed precisely.

On the other hand, the flames threaten nearby homes and several residents have had to evacuate with the help of the authorities to avoid putting their lives at risk.

“We are beginning to make an evaluation of the affected population, we have had to evacuate several families, and we are waiting because there is another sector where we will most likely also have to evacuate,” the Mayor added to this newspaper.


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