The crazy expenses of Alberto di Monaco, a former accountant, spills everything

by time news

January 25, 2024 10:32 am

From 300 euros a day for Charlene’s cook to the black maid


Spending sprees in the principality

The biggest spendthrift at court is the wife of Albert of Monaco, of whom the prince is very proud. According to Claude Palmero’s notes, Princess Charlene spends one and a half million euros a year, Caroline of Monaco just under a million and Stephanie on the total annual endowment of 800 thousand euros. In the notebooks that came into the possession of “Le Monde” there are details of court life. An annotation reads Princess Charlene’s request for 77 thousand euros in cash: “It’s less than last year, but still too much” is the accountant’s comment. Then Palmero learns of the intention to rent a second villa in Corsica and also learns that Princess Charlene Wittstock’s personal chef is paid 200 euros a day, while the Filipina maid is in the black.

Who is Claude Palmero

Claude Palmero was more than an accountant to Prince Albert of Monaco. He was the keeper of embarrassing secrets of the Monegasque coffers at the limits of legality. This is why the move to repudiate him, fired in June last year on charges of embezzlement, was not a happy one. After having administered the assets of Albert II, Charlene, the sisters Carolina and Stephanie, between budget acrobatics and use of hidden funds, Palmero chose to “confess” to the newspapers by offering his precious notebooks. Claude Palmero was hired on January 10, 2001, replacing his father Andre, who died suddenly and who was already administrator of the prince at the time Rainier III (1923-2005). Upon Ranieri’s death, his son Alberto took his place on the throne, and Mr. Palmero, a scrupulous and respected auditor, continued with the role of accountant. Twenty years later, however, he was accused of having embezzled princely funds.

Back and forth between Alberto and the former accountant

Prince Albert II’s response to Claude Palmero was not long in coming: “Mr Palmero, perhaps believing himself to be a director for life, contested in court my decision to remove him, attacking me personally and in offensive terms. His attacks on me, the State and his institutions demonstrate his true nature and how little respect he actually has for the Principality of Monaco.”


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