Emilia Ypsilanti: “I said yes to Famagusta right away, I’m interested in the topic”

by time news

Just before the second episode of MEGA’s big production, Famagustaon the evening of Sunday January 28, Eleonora Meleti welcomed on the set of “MEGA Kalimera”, the Emilia Ypsilanti.

“I am a woman living in London, I am married to a Cypriot, he is not living when we watch the series. She can’t have children and really wants a child. My sister, knowing the longing of the role I am playing for a child, is giving it to me,” says the actress initially about the role she plays in the series.

“He knows the baby has no parents. The truth is, she hasn’t told him the whole story, and I would say that’s one of the biggest issues my role has. It’s a processing role almost to the point where a person becomes tragic,” he continues.

As she explains, what characterizes her role is fear: “When she begins to suspect that they are looking for this child, she will be afraid to tell the truth.”

On the occasion of the plot of Famagusta, the presenter of MEGA Kalimera wondered if an actor derives emotions from his personal experiences. “An actor tries to approach a role with everything he has. The baggage we have, which are not only our personal experiences, are our readings, our imagination, our observation” observes Mrs. Ypsilanti.

“Sometimes we are almost forced to keep some of our wounds fresh, while people want to forget in order to live. Because we draw material from them and this is a tragic part of our existence as professionals” he adds about the actor’s life.

Memories from the past

“Memories related to the issues of Cyprus start from a long time ago. As a high school student, we went down to Syntagma, all the schools and demonstrated for the Union” the actress then noted about the Cyprus issue.

“I have lived through the entire struggle of the Cypriot people and I have watched it. We know them the heroes of the Cypriot struggle, the young people do not know them. They don’t know that Greece made an appeal at some point to save Palikaridis in Great Britain which did not have the death penalty, but in Cyprus it applied it in a cruel way” he continued about the Cyprus drama.

In relation to the series, Mrs. Ypsilanti said: “This series is very important because it can give an opportunity for young people to learn some things. And let’s go back and see, all these tragic events, a defeat of Hellenism in essence, which was due”.

In the course of the conversation, Emilia Ypsilanti noticed that we are not discussing the big historical issues. “We had the opportunity to have three anniversaries, in ’21, ’22, ’23 with the Polytechnic and now in ’24, a tragic event that is connected to the Third Greek Republic. This year is very important, will we be able to take advantage of it?” he wondered.

“Famagusta is a series, don’t expect it to solve anything for us, but it can give an occasion to talk about these issues, for the younger ones to learn. To understand what the big powers did, what Great Britain did that spread hatred between the two communities,” he said.

Its relationship with Cyprus

“I went to Cyprus every year to the women’s march for the missing, I held events for the missing in my theater,” said Emilia Ypsilanti, but added: “It’s not what we did, it’s what the younger people have to learn. Of these 50 years associated with a very important event in Greece. In Greece, the state issue is being resolved, at the same time that the Cypriot people are suffering. In Greece we have the abolition of political opinions, we have a country that is entering the EU”.

“That’s what Famagusta can offer, besides my role, which is very important to sit down and watch a series, it has to have the fiction,” he remarked.

After all, the actress explained that she immediately accepted Andrea Georgiou’s proposal for the role. “I said yes, I’m interested in the subject, I’m interested because you have testimonies in there, of real people. Because history is also written by the small stories of people” he said.

See the relevant excerpt:

*Main photo source: NDP PHOTO

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