“Biden is a traitor, let’s go to self-defense.” they transported 102,000 foreigners

by time news

US President Joe Biden issued a 24-hour ultimatum to Texas to comply with the US Supreme Court ruling and hand over border patrols and control of the National Guard to the federal government

The USA is experiencing unprecedented situations with a huge constitutional crisis with unpredictable consequences lying ahead of them.
US President Joe Biden Delivers 24-Hour Ultimatum to Texas (1/27/2024) in order to comply with the US Supreme Court’s decision to transfer border patrols and control of the National Guard to the federal government.
If Texas doesn’t comply, Biden said, the state of Texas will face dire consequences.
Texas accuses the Biden administration of refusing to protect the border with Mexico.
For this reason, he authorized the National Guard to guard the border and erected makeshift fences.

Abbott (Governor of Texas): Biden Traitor – Let’s Go to Constitutional Self-Defense – Texit Promoter?

Texas Governor Greg Abbott publicly announced that Biden committed an act of treason, sold himself to drug cartels and therefore deliberately opened the border to illegal immigrants.
Abbott launched into a speech Texas Independence Bombs!
He spoke of the state’s right to constitutional self-defense in the case of “unlawful acts on the part of the president of the United States.”
In fact, he found support from many governors of other states.

The decision of the US Supreme Court

The Supreme Court decided on Monday (22/1/2024) by a marginal 5-4 majority the federal Border Patrol agents to remove the razor wire fence that Texas authorities had erected at Abbott’s behest.
National Guard troops were deployed earlier to Shelby Park in Eagle Pass, Texas – a community along the Rio Grande River that has become a major hub for illegal immigration from Mexico and prevented Border Patrol agents from gaining access.
“National Guard units will continue to ‘protect our State’s sovereignty’ and ‘hold the line at Shelby Park to prevent illegal entry into the State of Texas”the House said in a statement.
An estimated 300,000 people crossed illegally into the US from Mexico in December 2023, the highest number ever recorded.

On Abbott’s side are governors and the speaker of the House of Representatives

Utah Governor Spencer Cox is convinced that the border is a matter of national security and common sense, a “American question”.
House Speaker Mike Johnson said: “I stand with Governor Abbott. The House will do everything in its power to support him,” Johnson wrote on social media.
As a result, Republican states that make up half of the US territory swung in favor of Texas within days.

Texas also believes that these illegal immigrants will gain the right to vote and may thus prevent Donald Ttrump from winning the upcoming election.
It is worth noting thatDemocrats are in favor of legalizing all illegal immigrants as citizenship plus suffrage equates to 22 million new voters.
Almost all first-generation immigrants vote Democratic.
It is recalled how some time ago the Pentagon tried to conduct a military operation against the cartels on the border with Mexico but the CIA blocked the military’s actions.
Texas has thus gained the support of the National Guard of the following states:

Idaho (4,300 members),
Wyoming (2000)
North Dakota (3500),
Nebraska (3400),
Iowa (9000),
Missouri (12,000),
Louisiana (11,500),
Alabama (25,000),
Georgia (11,100),
South Carolina (10,000),
Ohio (17,000).

Can a state secede from the US?

According to the Supreme Court’s decision in 1869, individual states cannot unilaterally decide to secede from the US union.
However, if the conflicts between Texas and the federal government prove intractablethe State may become the core of a new confederation of Republican states opposed to the liberal policies of the federal government.
There may not be a civil war in the United States, but the constitutional crisis it may trigger in the country will paralyze the political system.
Democrats want Biden to federalize the Texas National Guard and withdraw it from the border.
Texas does not intend to obey it. after all, the Texas governor earlier refused to enforce federal immigration laws amid the ongoing “invasion of illegal immigrants in Texas.”
If Abbott succeeds in consolidating the National Guard from other states, they should also be federalized.
This would mean a declaration of war on all of Republican America.
“Therefore, it is not surprising that the White House is simply distancing itself in the hope that the crisis will subside and the status quo will be maintained,” believes expert on the subject Malek Dudakov.

The economic and military capabilities of Texas?

The rapidly escalating standoff between Texas and federal authorities is setting a dangerous precedent amid the deep divisions facing American society and its political establishment.
In addition, Texas is one of the largest and most economically and militarily powerful states in the Union, with a population of nearly 30 million people and an annual GDP of approximately $2.4 trillion, making it the 8th largest economy in the world.
The Texas National Guard has up to 23,000 soldiers in its ranks,
including veterans of US combat operations overseas, and has 117 bases across the state that have everything from small arms to MRAPs, Humvees, armored personnel carriers and tanks.
The Texas Air National Guard consists of 4,400 personnel and operates aircraft including C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, Blackhawk helicopters,
MQ-9 Reaper drones, F-16 fighters and more.

Medvedev: The …People’s Republic of Texas

The deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel that the US may face a constitutional crisis that could then turn into a disastrous political confrontation.
The formation of the People’s Republic of Texas becomes more realistic under such conditions, Medvedev wrote.
“The US government is demonstrating its complete inability to deal with the immigration crisis that has flared up in one of the largest US states,” he noted.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began erecting barbed wire “to protect the state from the influx of migrants crossing the southern border unchecked,” the Russian official added.
According to Medvedev, “US hegemony is being eroded from within.”
Washington, while supporting Ukraine and turning a blind eye to everything else, is unable to deal with domestic issues, Medvedev concludes.


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