The UN court ICJ opens genocide case against Israel – Dagsavisen

by time news

Despite the fact that there was no order for a cease-fire, the ruling is a major defeat for Israel. They asked the ICJ to dismiss South Africa’s case in its entirety. Instead, the court concludes that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have the right to be protected from genocide.

This means that the ICJ, which is the UN’s highest legal body, will continue to hear the case to assess whether Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza Strip. The process can take several years.

The Genocide Convention was adopted in 1948 in the wake of the Second World War and the Holocaust. It was supposed to prevent something like this from happening again.

Netanyahu uses the word shame

Israel has rejected the accusations and calls the case senseless.

– Hague shmague, writes security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who is considered to belong to the outer right wing, on X.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu insists that Israel is fighting a just war “unprecedented” and calls the ruling “scandalous.” Furthermore, he claims that the willingness to discuss the genocide accusations “is a shame that will not be erased for generations.”

From the Palestinian side, the ruling is received with joy.

– We encourage all states to ensure that the measures ordered by the ICJ are implemented by all countries, including Israel, says Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki.

Hamas leader Sami Abu Zuhri believes the ruling is important and “contributes to isolating Israel and exposing its crimes.”

– Human tragedy

The head of the panel of judges, Joan Donoghue, also explained the humanitarian consequences of the war when she read out the ruling on behalf of the 17 UN judges.

– The Court is fully aware of the extent of the human tragedy unfolding in the region, and is deeply concerned that lives are still being lost and the ongoing human suffering, she said.

It is South Africa that has taken legal action against Israel and accused it of violating the UN Genocide Convention on the Gaza Strip. After more than three months of war, more than 26,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks, according to Palestinian health authorities, and the suffering of the civilian population is enormous. Due to food shortages, one in four inhabitants is starving, according to the UN.

– Today’s ruling is a decisive victory for international law and a milestone in the pursuit of justice for the Palestinian people, states the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– Everyone must follow international law

South Africa wanted the ICJ to demand that Israel immediately stop the attacks in Gaza while the case is being processed, but this demand was not complied with.

Instead, the ICJ demands that Israel do everything it can to prevent genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza. Among other things, they must ensure that the country’s soldiers do not commit genocide and punish those who incite genocide.

The court also asks Hamas to lay down its weapons and release all hostages.

– All parties in the Gaza Strip are obliged to follow international law, says the ruling.

Israel is also required to improve the humanitarian situation by, among other things, allowing in emergency aid.

Binding, but no sanctions

The ruling is binding, but the court has no possibility of sanction. Therefore, it is highly uncertain whether Israel will follow the court’s ruling. It nevertheless has great political significance and, by all accounts, will put pressure not only on Israel, but also on the country’s supporters, including the United States.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the UN’s highest court and deals with cases between states.

– This is an obligation Israel must adhere to, says Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) to NRK.

The war started on 7 October after the Hamas attack which, according to Israel, killed around 1,140 people.

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