K. Mitsotakis: Greece is entering the F35 era – The Blinken letter and the reactions

by time news

The road has officially opened for the acquisition of up to 40 F-35 aircraft after his letter Anthony Blinken to EGreek Prime Minister. “Our country shields its defense, stands with geopolitical maturity on the world map”, the message of the prime minister, who speaking about the large armaments program of Armed forces declared that Greece will receive a mammoth free and equipment package from the US. For their part, the opposition parties expressed their reactions.

The homeland is doubly shielded

After a long journey with intense diplomatic movements, contacts and meetings, Greece is entering the era of the F35, strengthening its defense capacity, but also its diplomatic position in the wider region of the south-eastern Mediterranean. Following the State Department’s approval of the sale to Greece of 40 5th generation aircraft, the head of American diplomacy Anthony Blinken sent a letter to Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

“It is an important day for our country, it is the result of a methodical, silent and long effort, Greece is shielding itself”, emphasizes the prime minister, pointing out that the agreement seals the high level of relations between Athens and Washington.

Greece is entering the F-35 era

“In an era of uncertainty, our country stands with seriousness and geopolitical maturity on the world map,” the prime minister said in his message, stating, among other things, that “today’s development justifies the active diplomacy of credibility that we follow.”

In particular, the Prime Minister said in his statement: “Today is an important day for our national defense and for Greek diplomacy. Why, based on a letter I received from the Secretary of State of the United States Antony Blinkenis highlighted and sealed the strategic depth of Greek-American relations.

(Senior Airman Joseph Barron/U.S. Air Force via AP)

With it, Greece is officially on track to acquire up to 40 latest generation F-35 fighter jets. At the same time, however, he acquires a very large package of equipment for free, which decisively strengthens all three branches of the Armed Forces, as well as the Hellenic Coast Guard.

Greece’s participation in the closed “club” of countries that have 5th generation aircraft is accompanied by the free grant of a very important package of military equipment from the American stockpile. In particular, the package of military equipment that Greece will receive from the US, as part of the agreement, will include four LCS frigates, two C-130 transports, 60 armored fighting vehicles and patrol ships.

These are frigates, C-130 transports, armored tanks and vehicles, but also many other items of defense material, which our country secured following the request I made, in May 2022, personally to President Biden.

Thus, the motherland is doubly shielded: on the one hand, its deterrent power is magnified on land, in the air and at sea. While, on the other hand, the Greek taxpayer is not burdened, as this package will be available free of charge, from the American reserves.

It is the result of a methodical, quiet and long effort, which combined Greece’s alliance consistency on the international fronts with the promotion of its national interests. A result which consolidates, at the same time, the dynamic and independent Greek-American strategic relationship.

Because today’s development justifies the active diplomacy of credibility that we have followed everywhere in recent years: from the war in Ukraine, the enlargement of NATO and the energy security of Europe, to the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean and the drama of the Middle East.

With clear positions and initiatives on major issues, Greece now plays an active role in the Western world. Something that her partners and allies recognize, seeing in our country a constant supporter, a trusted interlocutor but also a necessary companion and partner.

In an era of uncertainty, therefore, our country confirms that it stands with seriousness and geopolitical maturity on the world map. While, at the same time, it serves its national rights, shielding its defense. On the path of stability and peace, always with pride and national self-confidence.”

(AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin, File)

The Blinken letter

The exceptional level of Athens-Washington relations is reflected in the lines of the letter of the Secretary of State of the United States of America to Kyriakos Mitsotakis:

“Dear Prime Minister,

The provision of defense equipment to our NATO allies is a fundamental component of our efforts to boost European security and strengthen the Alliance’s collective deterrence and defense capabilities. To this end, we have sought to work closely with Greece to advance our common interests and international peace and security, which are vital to the continuation of the rules-based international order. This strong bilateral relationship is a testament to the strong ties between our nations, and I am encouraged by the progress we have made together under the US-Greece Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement to maintain strong, capable, and interoperable militaries.

Subject to the satisfaction of all relevant legal requirements, including notification to Congress, we intend to expand our corporate security cooperation as follows:

First, on September 27, 2022, the notification process to Congress was completed for a $30 million grant to Greece for defense procurement, through the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) process, to encourage critical support to Ukraine. On October 24, 2023, the United States earmarked for Greece an additional $30 million through the FMF process to encourage further donations.

Second, we have already notified Congress of the following proposed free concessions to Greece under the Excess Defense Articles (EDA) program:

Two C-130H aircraft, Surplus Defense Materiel,
Ten engines for P-3 aircraft, Surplus Defense Materiel and
60 Bradley armored fighting vehicles, as Surplus Defense Materiel.
Third, we will submit for notification to Congress the following, to be granted to Greece:

Up to 40 new F-35 aircraft through Foreign Military Sales,
Three Protector-class ships, as Surplus Defense Materiel and
Various trucks and trailers, as Surplus Defense Material.
Fourth, we will submit a ship-granting legislative proposal to Congress, requesting that it provide the necessary legal authorization to transfer up to four LCS frigates to Greece, through the Surplus Defense Materiel process.

Fifth, we continue to be interested in the defense capabilities that Greece could transfer or sell to Ukraine. If these capabilities are of interest to Ukraine, and pending an assessment of their status and value by the US government, we can explore opportunities for possible additional Foreign Armed Forces Financing of up to $200 million for Greece.

Sixth, I will prioritize Greece to receive surplus Mine Resistant, Ambush Protected vehicles as they become available over the next year and consider Greek needs should KC-135 aerial refueling aircraft become available. In addition to the C-130H, the Ministry of Defense is working to provide pricing and availability data for Greece’s purchase of new C-130Js.

Greece has made remarkable strides in modernizing its defense capabilities. I look forward to strengthening our cooperation and developing a stronger strategic relationship between our armed forces. Sincerely, Antony Blinken’.

What are the operational capabilities of stealth fighters

The F-35 is a 5th generation stealth fighter aircraft with advanced navigation systems. Lockheed Martin’s modern fighter jet can carry air-to-air, air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles and laser-guided bombs, and is capable of vertical takeoff and landing. The journalist Dimitris Thomas recorded the technical characteristics of the aircraft that develops a maximum speed of 1.6 MAX and can operate at a height of up to 50,000 feet.

The reactions of the parties

For their part, the opposition parties expressed reactions, requesting information on the agreement with the USA with PASOK – KINAL requesting, among other things, guarantees that the F-16s that will be given to Turkey will not be used against Greece, while the KKE reported that “the new package” serves the participation of Greece in the US-NATO plans”.

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