Weather: Rapid deterioration with snow, temperature drop and gale force winds

by time news

The weather will gradually worsen from today, Sunday (28/1), until Tuesday (30/1), with snowfall and a big drop in temperature.

According to the updated weather forecast issued by the EMY yesterday (27/1), two disturbances, the first from today and the second from midday on Monday (29/1) and Tuesday (30/1) will affect the country . More intense phenomena will be manifested by the second disturbance.

It is noted that the Risk Assessment Committee of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection met yesterday, while it will meet again at noon at 12:00 and at 13:00 an Interministerial Committee will be held with the aim of operational coordination of all involved ministries and agencies.

On Tuesday, the snowfall will continue even in areas with a lower altitude

The main features will be the noticeable drop in temperature during the three days of Sunday – Tuesday (of the order of 10 degrees Celsius) and the snowfall mainly in the eastern winds of the country from the height of Thessaly and further south.
At the same time, stormy north winds will prevail in the Aegean and strong rains and storms will occur mainly in the southern sea-coastal sections.

More detail:

A. Snowfall will occur:

a) Today from the morning hours, in the mountains of Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea, Evia and the Peloponnese, while in the mid-afternoon hours it will also snow in the mountainous areas of Crete.

b) From the morning hours of Monday light snowfalls will continue in areas with a lower altitude of Macedonia and Thrace. Intensity of snowfall is predicted from midday on Monday in Thessaly, the Sporades, eastern and central Sterea, Evia and the northern and eastern parts of the Peloponnese.

Snowfall will also occur on the Aegean islands (in the mountains) as well as in the mountainous and semi-mountainous areas of Crete. In particular, for Attica, intensity of snowfall is predicted from Monday afternoon in the mountainous and semi-mountainous areas as well as in areas with a lower altitude from the evening.

c) On Tuesday the snowfall will continue even in areas with a lower altitude in Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea (including Attica), Evia, the Sporades, the northern and eastern areas of the Peloponnese as well as the mountainous and semi-mountainous areas of islands of the northern and eastern Aegean, the Cyclades and Crete.

d) On Wednesday, the snowfall will gradually weaken and will be limited to the mountains and semi-mountains of Crete.

B. Gusty north northeast winds 8 to 9 and locally 10 Beaufort will blow:

a) From the morning hours of Tuesday initially in the northern and gradually in the central and southern Aegean.
b) On Wednesday the stormy north winds will be maintained in the Aegean but from the midday hours in the north they will be limited to 8 Beaufort and will gradually weaken.

C. Heavy rains and storms are predicted from the first disturbance today in places in Evia and Crete and mainly from the second disturbance from noon on Monday until Tuesday mainly in the Sporades, Evia, the Cyclades and Crete.

Watch the course of the bad weather live The weather today

In the eastern and southern countries, temporarily increased clouds are predicted, with local rains and in the Aegean, sporadic storms. Local snowfall will occur in the mountains of Macedonia, Thrace, Thessaly, central and eastern Sterea, Peloponnese, Evia and Crete. In the rest of the country, a few temporary clouds.

The winds will blow north northeast 4 to 6 and in the seas locally 7 Beaufort.

The temperature will drop mainly in the east. It will range in the central and northern continents from -03 (minus 3) to 10 degrees, in the rest of the continents from -01 (minus 1) to 14 and in the island country from 05 to 15 degrees Celsius.

In the morning and evening hours in the continental areas there will be frost in places.


Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased in places, with temporary local rains and in places in the mountains snowfalls.
Winds: From north directions 4 to 6 and in the morning in central Macedonia locally 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From -03 (minus ) to 09 degrees Celsius. In western Macedonia 3 to 4 degrees lower.


Weather: A few temporary clouds mainly in the south.
Winds: North northeast 4 to 6 and early morning in the Ionian north northwest locally 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From -01 (minus 1) to 14 degrees Celsius. In the interior of Epirus 3 to 4 degrees lower.


Weather: Temporarily increased cloudiness with local rains and isolated storms, locally strong in Evia, and local snowfall in the mountains.
Winds: Northeast 4 to 6 and gradually east to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From -01 (minus 1) to 12 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Intermittently increased clouds with local rains and sporadic storms mainly in Crete, where the effects will be strong in places. From noon to afternoon, snowfall will occur in the mountains of Crete.
Winds: North 5 to 6 Beaufort and gradually North Northeast 6 to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 07 to 14 degrees.


Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased, with occasional local rains and isolated thunderstorms.
Winds: North Northeast 5 to 6 and gradually 6 to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 08 to 15 degrees Celsius. In the north 3 to 4 degrees lower.


Weather: A few clouds temporarily increased. In the east and the Sporades there will be local rains and in the mountains snowfalls.
Winds: Northerly 4 to 6 and in the Sporades early in the morning to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From -02 (minus 2) to 10 degrees Celsius.


Weather: Intermittently increased clouds, with local rains and in the mountains (mainly in Parnitha) light snowfalls.
Winds: North northeast 4 to 6 and in the east from the afternoon to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 04 to 10 degrees Celsius.


Weather: A few passing clouds.
Winds: North northwest 4 to 6 and in the morning to 7 Beaufort.
Temperature: From 03 to 08 degrees Celsius.

Double cold invasion from Sunday

In which parts of the country will snowfall occur?

According to meteorologist Yiannis Kallianos, the weather needs attention. The coldest 24 hours will be those of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, where during these days, snowfall will fall at fairly low altitudes.

On Sunday, in the eastern continental regions it will snow temporarily in the mountains and semi-mountains. But from Monday the snowfall altitudes will drop further. Therefore, intermittently, from Monday to Wednesday, snowfall will occur at low altitudes (indicatively from 250-300 m and higher) in the following areas:

  • North Thessaly,
  • Central Solid
  • Eastern Continent (and Attica),
  • Euboea,
  • Sporades,
  • North East Aegean Sea,
  • Northeast Peloponnese,
  • Cyclades – Crete (mountains)

Possible snowfall (from very light to quite significant) in Attica will be the following areas: Dionysos, Ekali, Rodopoli, Drosia, Penteli, Drafi, Thrakomakedones, Krioneri, Anixi, Agios Stefanos, Phyli, Villa, possibly also Kifissia and others around areas with approximately these altitudes.

Alert the authorities

Due to the impending bad weather, the state apparatus is on alert and in the Civil Protection, the emergency meetings for the coordination of the competent bodies and the taking of preventive and emergency measures started already yesterday.

The newly established Risk Assessment Committee of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection met at noon on Saturday and will meet again at 12 noon on Sunday. At 13.00 there will be a meeting of the Interministerial Committee with the aim of operational coordination of all involved ministries and agencies.

At the Inter-Ministerial Committee, decisions are also expected to be made regarding the implementation of emergency measures that will come into force during bad weather and if the phenomena are intense with heavy snowfalls and snowdrifts.

Recommendations of the Civil Protection in view of the deterioration

Recommendations were addressed by the general secretariat of Civil Protection to the citizens to be especially careful, taking care to take self-protection measures against risks arising from the manifestation of intense weather phenomena.

In particular, in areas where heavy rains, storms or gale-force winds are expected to occur, the General Directorate of Civil Protection recommends that citizens:

  • To secure objects which, if carried away by severe weather conditions, may cause damage or injury.
  • Make sure that the gutters and downspouts of the houses are not blocked and are working properly.
  • Avoid crossing torrents and streams, on foot or by vehicle, during storms and rainfall, but also for several hours after the end of their event
  • Avoid outdoor work and activities in marine and coastal areas during severe weather events (risk of lightning strikes).
  • Take shelter immediately during a hailstorm. Take shelter in a building or car and do not leave the safe area until they are sure the storm has passed. Hail can be very dangerous for animals too.
  • Avoid passing under large trees, under posted signs and in general areas where light objects (e.g. pots, broken glass, etc.) can become detached and fall to the ground (e.g. under balconies) .
  • To faithfully follow the instructions of the local authorities, such as Traffic, etc.

In areas where snowfall and frost are expected:

If they are going to travel by car:

  • To be informed about the weather and the condition of the road network
  • Have skid chains on their vehicle and a full tank of fuel
  • To travel, if necessary, preferably during the day preferring the main roads
  • To inform their relatives about the route they are going to follow
  • Change their travel schedule to avoid peak weather conditions
  • To faithfully follow the instructions of the local authorities, such as Traffic, etc.

If moving on foot:

  • Dress in several layers of light clothing rather than a heavy garment and wear appropriate footwear to avoid slippery injuries
  • To avoid unnecessary movements during the peak of the phenomena (heavy snowfall, freezing conditions)

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