«Separating from my husband Andrea Manfredonia is a great pain. How embarrassing the kiss with Bova. Valentine? Little story» – Corriere.it

by time news

by Giovanna Cavalli

The actress: «The argument with Muccino? It was a misunderstanding, I’m sorry, I’m very close to him. If I made a mistake I apologize again. We saw each other again, he was very nice to me »

He got on the train without a ticket.

«Oh my God, what a figure. Now I’m ashamed of it. It’s not done.”

He managed not to get caught by the conductor.

«I hid in the bathroom for the whole trip, it didn’t take long from Florence to Rome. I was a little girl and I didn’t have much money in my pocket. The trick was not to lock the door, but to hold it still with your hand, so the green light outside stayed on and you seemed free.”

What if another passenger tried to enter?

«I was shouting “busy”. And usually she left.”

BB from Impruneta was a rebellious little girl.

«Since I was little I had clear ideas about what I wanted to do. At eight years old my parents enrolled me in my first acting school. I made them suffer. I didn’t like village life. I was good at school but resistant to the rules.”

She made her hair orange.

«I just wanted to lighten them with oxygen. I wasn’t very happy with the result.”

He also cheated in the photo book.

«They called me for shoots and fashion shows and I falsified the composite. I wrote that I was 1.75 meters tall, adding 5 centimeters, and then I showed up with the rafts. But I was too curvy and the clothes ended up being tight on me”, confesses with graceful embarrassment Martina Stella, 39 years old, actress (in the Raiuno miniseries The Long Night she plays Claretta Petacci, lover of the Duce).

At 15 and a half years old, the first audition for «The Last Kiss».

«A small agency in Florence followed me, just at the idea of ​​going to Rome I was enlightened. And then Muccino had just made Like you nobody ever, for us kids he was a legend. Mum couldn’t, dad accompanied me. He didn’t trust it: “If you don’t come down by a certain time, I’ll come up, eh.” How anxious, I was afraid it would make me look bad.”

And did it go up?

“Fortunately not.”

Apparently she got away with it, she was caught.

«I saw that audition again recently, in reality I was embarrassed as hell. I confessed: “I did this and that, even some advertisements, but I left it alone because I wasn’t good at it.” Something never to be said.”

Yet she was called back for the second one.

«There were two of us left. I had to play the seduction scene with Stefano Accorsi. Before arriving I had been to the restaurant and I had spilled tomato sauce on my white t-shirt, I was all bundled up. I didn’t have change. The waiter tried to remove the stain with talcum powder and made things worse.”

So what?

“That’s how I went.”

They took her with all her accent.

«Beautiful, not even Florentine, just Tuscan. C-words were trouble. He felt a lot. So, in the role of my mother, they cast my real mother. She wasn’t used to the set. “I thought it was just you and me, but instead there are too many people”».

When she arrived she was brunette.

«On the set they made me very blonde, I was happy, I saw myself as someone else. I was very lucky to start like this, it was crazy. I wasn’t scared, it was what I had always wanted.”

He didn’t agree to shoot the sequel «Kiss Me Again». Muccino got angry: «It was funny to discover that Martina Stella rejected a part that never actually existed».

«It was a misunderstanding, I’m sorry, I’m very close to him. Gabriele is a great director and I am very grateful to him, if I made a mistake I apologize again. We saw each other again, he was very nice to me, I think it’s a thing of the past now.”

He filmed the remake of “The Black Arrow”.

«You don’t know how many times I fell from my horse, sensational thuds. Unconscious, I tried to use the stunt double as little as possible. They trained us, I even learned to shoot a bow. During a trotting scene with Riccardo Scamarcio, I was talking to him, he was next to me, suddenly I no longer saw him. He too ended up on the ground.”

Instead on the set of «A Summer in the Caribbean»…

«Filmed in Antigua, a wonderful island, with Carlo and Enrico Vanzina, the directors I worked with the most, we had a lot of fun».

He had a close encounter.

«I left the windows open to be in contact with nature. The room was invaded by parrots flying everywhere, I felt terrible anxiety, so I looked out from the terrace shouting: “It’s full of… birds here!”. I didn’t use that word at all. You will understand, if I had never said it. Paolo Conticini and Paolo Ruffini, Tuscans, made fun of me for days.”

As a young girl Raoul Bova was her idol.

«Like everyone, I think. I worked on it in I present a friend, another comedy by Vanzina. The first day we had to shoot the kissing scene straight away, I was super embarrassed, I confessed it to him and Raoul helped me loosen up. As a seductress I’m awkward, even in real life. I’m more ironic, not a cougar.”

In fact, he jokes a lot on social media and doesn’t take himself too seriously.
«I got there late, pushed by colleagues, because there were so many fake profiles of mine. I wasn’t used to telling so much about myself, it seemed strange to me to talk about my private life. I started with my daughter Ginevra on TikTok, with a shared profile. It was a game, at the time only her relatives were following us. Then suddenly, with an ironic video on the vicissitudes of distance learning, we went viral.”

She presents herself as a bungling influencer.

«I try to give a smile to those who follow me. On Instagram I’m truly an ambassador for fashion brands, but I bring myself, I’m sincere. I really liked the character of the “gone bad” influencer, as I call her, she makes me tender. And the stories in which I tell the daily follies in mothers’ chats are also popular: “So no one is coming to my Chicco’s party?”».

What does Geneva say?

«She makes fun of me, for her I am a hopeless boomer who is denied by technology and always uses the wrong “smilies”, she doesn’t let me pass one. She’s very nice and makes me nice too, sometimes I don’t see it right away, I’ve become more cheerful with her.”

Her son Leonardo decorated her living room with markers.

“I had to have the wall repainted.”

Are there things we don’t know about her?

«Thank God yes. I am a transparent person but I have my shadows, my melancholy. Behind the ironic image there is a mysterious part, which I keep to myself.”

He’s a smoking guy.

«Before more. Like many people who skip ahead, I didn’t reflect, I made gut choices. At work, however, I don’t cause problems, I’m a calm guy.”

“I haven’t had much luck in love.”

«It’s like this. In work, application and sacrifice count, but also luck. It didn’t go like this in love, romantic relationships are made up of encounters, of moments.”

Last summer she separated from her husband Andrea Manfredonia “for insurmountable reasons that caused me a lot of pain”.

«I won’t add any more details, I don’t want my children to read unpleasant things. This last story made me suffer a lot, but I also have some good memories.”

Love doesn’t last?

“I don’t even want to be that catastrophic. Now I’m fine, my children are my everything, I want to give them the image of a strong and courageous woman.”

She asked herself: “What do I do now”?

«By nature I ask myself many questions, I question myself, but I always chase happiness, light. I’m not disheartened. As a dreamer, I am open to life’s possibilities. I’m not done with love, I’m too young. Now I don’t feel like it, but I don’t rule out anything.”

A very famous ex of his: Valentino Rossi.

«It was a story between teenagers, are you still asking me?».

Did he take it on his motorbike?

He snorts and doesn’t answer.

Her other famous ex: Lapo Elkann.

“I remained close to him, there is affection, but even there, I was very young.” Point.

What advice will you give your daughter about love?

«Everyone has the right advice for themselves, not for others. Instead, I hope to set an example for her, to be a guide for her. However, I would tell her not to stop at appearance, at beauty, but to look for values, intelligence.”

Do you have friends among your colleagues?

«No, I have a good relationship with everyone, I have fun on set, but outside I frequent the cinema environment as little as possible, I avoid social evenings, I prefer a simpler life, I hang out with other mothers».

If she doesn’t like someone, does she pretend or is she a mile away?

«I am able to pretend but I don’t do it, I want to always create a good relationship with everyone. Of course, if I don’t like you it’s not like I’m showing that I love you madly.”

Do you still lose your house keys?

“It hasn’t happened to me in a long time, before it was the rule, I think it was a sign, obviously I had to think about something.”


«I don’t give too much weight to material things, I have also lost important objects, clothes, jewellery. I didn’t despair, in fact maybe I should have gotten rid of it. But I’m also messy, yes. My wardrobe is a mess, I have the habit of shoving everything into the first free place I find.”

Is she really denied…?

«To cook, unfortunately. I burn everything. Sauce, pizzas, pots. But I finally learned how to make meatballs. Before, they always came out soggy, with absurd shapes. Now it’s better, it couldn’t have been worse.”

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January 29, 2024 (changed January 29, 2024 | 09:35)

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