Milei has already lost 15 approval points, according to a new survey

by time news

2024-01-30 10:50:49

Javier Milei dressed as his alter ego character, “Captain Ancap”.

Fifty days after the libertarian and far-right Javier Miley assumed his position, it begins to become evident a decline in perception towards the Government. A recent study has investigated the direction Argentina is taking.

56% of participants indicated that current policies are moving in the wrong direction, while 42% support them. “If we compare that 42% with the 57% that (the ruling party) obtained in the December runoff, we are seeing that there was a decrease very considerable support, between 10 and 15 points“said Rubén Córdoba, analyst in charge of the investigation, in conversation with Modo Fontevecchia.

Regarding the omnibus law, the study reveals that 64% of those surveyed oppose its approval, and 58% disagree with the idea that the provinces are responsible for facing the economic adjustment.

The title “The limits of consensus” encompasses the recent study carried out by the consulting firm Zuban Córdoba y Asociados between January 25 and 26, 2024. This research covered a total of 1,500 cases, surveying people over 16 years of age in throughout the Argentine Republic through a structured questionnaire. With a margin of error of +/- 2.53% and a confidence level of 95%, the study breaks down the nature of the so-called “precarious consensus”, processes of social acceptance that are usually ephemeral and limited in time.

The report highlights that, in Argentina, these precarious consensuses are interpreted by political leaders as permanent consensuses, which leads to a rapid depletion of their initial political capital. This phenomenon illustrates how perceptions about administrations in general or about specific measures are susceptible to being misinterpreted, affecting the sustainability of political support.

Little support for Javier Milei and his Omnibus Law

In the case of President Milei, the measurement found that there is an interpretation of the current economic crisis that is favorable to his image: almost half of Argentines (45.9%) believe that the loss of purchasing power that the country is going through Today it is the responsibility of the government of Alberto Fernández.

“Faced with an opposition that still lacks clear leadership capable of capitalizing on the Government’s errors, Milei’s proposals and sayings seem to enjoy a floor of 30% to 35% approval—the famous “hard core” third—with a approximate ceiling of 45%, depending on the different topics,” indicates the analysis.

The rejection of Javier Milei’s proposals is evident: lThe Omnibus law has 34% support, while more than 64% of those surveyed disagree with its approval. According to the study, confrontation with the provinces is positioned as one of the most costly political mistakes for the government, since 58% of the participants do not agree with the idea that the provinces assume the adjustment. Furthermore, for 80%, it is the “people” and not the elite who are suffering the consequences of the adjustment proposed by Milei.

When asked if Javier Milei is taking the “right path” by warning that, if the Omnibus law is not approved in Congress, “then he will govern by decree,” 59.4% considered that it is the “wrong path,” in contrast to 37.3% approved it, while 3.4% chose to abstain from responding.

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