Coalition Agreement Signed Between Shas and Vizhnitz Chasidyot in Support of Beit Shemesh Mayor Candidate

by time news

After long negotiations between the parties, at noon (Tuesday) a coalition agreement was signed between the Shas and the Vizhnitz Chasidyot in support of the Shas candidate for mayor of Beit Shemesh Moshe Abutbol. The signing ceremony was attended by: Agudat Israel leaders Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf and Deputy Minister Yaakov Tesler, CEO “To Shas Minister Haim Biton and the heads of Agudat Israel and Shas in Beit Shemesh.

The official signing comes after last weekend Maren, the Rebbe of Moiznitz, decided that Hasidism would support Abutbol, ​​this after until now the agreed candidate was Shmuel Greenberg of Flag Torah. in the city of Beit Shemesh, to support in the upcoming elections the candidate of Rabbi Moshe Abutbol. The Rebbe invited those gathered immediately after the Shelha’at on the occasion of the 10th of Shabbat, and there he informed them of his clear opinion.”

It should be noted that this move was seen among Degel HaTorah and Shlomi Amunim as a split within the party, and as a result great anger was recorded and significant threats were sent. A senior member of the Torah Flag who spoke to ‘JDN news’ said that “the Israel Association decided to return to the controversy and as a result crown Aliza Bloch for another term in Beit Shemesh. The meaning of the matter is the dissolution of the Torah Judaism faction with all that implies.”

Even earlier, we revealed that last week there was an unusual meeting between KK Maran, the Rebbe of Israel, and the Shas Chairman, Knesset member Aryeh Deri. Despite the claims that the meeting dealt with the security situation and the member of the War Cabinet went to the Rebbe’s residence for consultation In these matters, ‘JDN News’ learned that the meeting dealt, among other things, with the local authority elections that are expected to take place in about a month, if there is no change of conscience.

A witness learned to ‘JDN News’ that at the meeting that took place during the night hours of Monday this week, another political party was also present, at least in part, besides the chairman of Shas Deri, which may show the nature of the meeting. At the meeting, attempts were made to reach understandings in a number of cities ahead of the municipal elections.

The meeting came in the background of the talks, which reached today, as mentioned, between Shas and Gore to announce support for the Shas candidate for mayor of Beit Shemesh, Moshe Abutbul, when in exchange, among other things, the Shas candidate for mayor of the town of Bnei Brak, Health Minister Uriel Bosso, will withdraw his candidacy. JDN News learned that the local representatives of the Torah flag and Gur in Beit Shemesh held negotiations that almost led to an agreement to support the flag candidate, Shmulik Greenberg. However, the move was blocked from above, by the national political echelon of Shili Gur.

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