Bio-Techne’s ACD Introduces Next-Generation Protease-Free RNAscope Spatial Multiomics Workflow

by time news

2024-01-30 07:38:00

Bio-Techne Corporation announced today that Advanced Cell Diagnostics (ACD), a spatial biology brand of Bio-Techne, has set a new standard with the development of the RNAscope, next-generation, protease-free spatial multiomics workflow.

Optimizing single-slide detection of protein and RNA biomarkers with unparalleled sensitivity and tissue morphology, the newly developed RNAscope spatial workflow is compatible with both manual and automated assays. The innovative RNAscope protease-free ACD workflow is integrated into Bio-Techne’s recently announced best-of-breed multimix application on Lunaphore’s COMET platform.

Simultaneous imaging of RNA and protein biomarkers on the same tissue section will provide an unprecedented single-cell view of disease pathology and therapeutic response. The new ACD innovation marks a significant improvement over existing spatial technologies that are designed to detect either RNA or protein, not both, and typically lead to degradation of the alternative biomarker type.

By eliminating the need for proteases often used in RNA detection, this advanced workflow preserves protein and RNA integrity and preserves tissue morphology. With this advance, subcellular gene expression and multiomic changes can be easily quantified and further simplify image and data analysis.

We are proud to achieve another milestone in our spatial multiomics strategy with the development of an innovative RNAscope protease-free workflow. We were impressed by the overwhelmingly positive response we received from customers who tested this new workflow with our current RNAscope assays on the market, and we look forward to offering this new capability across our entire RNAscope portfolio this year.”

Kim Calderman, Director of Operations, Bio-Tech

Bio-Techne’s ACD brand is a pioneer in spatial biology, providing industry-leading single-molecule sensitivity and unmatched specificity with its patented RNAscope ISH technology for over 10 years. With over 9,500 peer-reviewed publications and over 50,000 unique tests sold, RNAscope technology has enabled spatial detection of the broadest range of RNA subtypes in the industry from research to clinical applications.

The data will be presented in a series of activities in the Lunaphore Suite, Curacao 4 at the Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) 2024 General Meeting in Orlando, Florida on February 5-8. Additional data demonstrating technical advances in the identification of RNA code with both proteins and protein-protein interactions using RNAscope will be presented at AGBT by ACD scientist Ge-Ah Kim, Ph.D. on February 7 in poster #633 titled “Single slide, in situ multiomic imaging of mRNA, protein, and protein-protein interactions in the tumor-immune microenvironment of bladder cancer patients.”

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