Who killed Belarmino in Renascer? Find out how the crime was solved in 1993 · TV News

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The tragic fate of Belarmino (Antonio Calloni) will provoke a mystery in Renascer: after all, who killed the farmer? José Inocêncio (Humberto Carrão) will swear upright that he was not responsible for the attack, despite becoming the main suspect in the crime. In the 1993 version, the colonel’s executioner only made a confession after chapter 100.

The remake shows the villain’s death this Monday (29), after the little colonel tricked him with a fake wake and forced him to sell his farm to him. The almighty, however, will be ambushed on the way home and will be shot several times.

Before succumbing, he will look his tormentor in the eyes and repeat the catchphrase: “It’s fair, very fair… It’s very fair.” The public, however, will not see who fired the shots. “Everything suggests that it was José Inocêncio. But was it?”, provokes the author Bruno Luperi in the script to which the TV News had access.

Nena (Quitéria Kelly) will go into shock when she sees the body of her husband and also of Firmino (Enrique Diaz), who was sent to the Beyond by Belarmino shortly before his own death.

José Inocêncio will then offer the widow an agreement to keep the land and give her a sum of money to leave with her children. Obviously, Maria Santa’s beloved (Duda Santos) will be named as the enemy’s killer — precisely aiming to take the cocoa property for himself. However, the protagonist will assure employees that he is not involved in the crime.

After the transition to the second phase of the story, on February 5, Belarmino’s death will come back to haunt the little colonel with the arrival of the mysterious Mariana (Theresa Fonseca).

Delighted, João Pedro (Juan Paiva) will take the stranger to the farm after meeting her at Jacutinga’s (Juliana Paes) house. José Inocêncio (Marcos Palmeira) will also be disconcerted by Mariana’s beauty — thus starting the dispute that will make the relationship with his youngest son even worse.

The cocoa producer, however, will be surprised by the young woman’s confession of kinship with Belarmino. Despite being suspicious of the girl’s intentions, he will allow her to remain on the property.

Inácia (Edvana Carvalho) will warn everyone about the revenge and will also say that Mariana was the worst ambush that Belarmino set up for the boss.

Belarmino (José Wilker) after being shot

Death of Bellarmine in the first version

If Bruno Luperi really follows the original novel by Benedito Ruy Barbosa to the letter, the villain’s death will only be revealed halfway through the serial.

In the first version, José Inocêncio (Antonio Fagundes) also claimed that he had nothing to do with the murder of Belarmino (José Wilker). As soon as he discovered that Mariana (Adriana Esteves) was the enemy’s granddaughter, the farmer defended himself against accusations that he had killed the villain.

“You were the one who killed my grandfather or ordered him to be killed,” said the young woman. “If I had done that, I wouldn’t have done anything better. But I didn’t kill, I didn’t order the killing. But now it’s your grandmother’s word with her stories against my word. You choose”, he replied.

José Inocêncio also denied involvement in the death in a conversation with Rachid (Luis Carlos Arutin), but did not have the courage to lie to Father Lívio (Jackson Costa). The confession only took place in chapter 136 — out of a total of 213.

“If I killed him? So I was the one who stole the money I had given him to pay for the fields. And the priest believes in something like that? That I would be capable of doing that?”, asked the cynic. “No, honestly not. But I believe that the shot that dispatched the poor man came from you”, said the religious man.

“You didn’t rob the deceased, but you just handed over to his wife, Mariana’s grandmother, the money you had already given him. Or not?”, added the parish priest. José Inocêncio’s silence afterwards left the implication that Father Lívio had hit the nail on the head.

Written by Bruno Luperi, Renascer is an adaptation of the work by Benedito Ruy Barbosa shown in 1993. As in Pantanal (2022), the author intends to follow his grandfather’s original plot and make few changes to the story.

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