Extreme weather “Ingunn” is coming to Nordfjord: – Stay inside

by time news

Extremely strong gusts of wind are expected in Nordfjord from Wednesday at 12.00. The meteorologists have issued a red warning.

The danger increases from 12:00 on Wednesday and ends at midnight on Thursday night. The storm has been named “Ingunn”. Photo: MeteorologinePublished: Published:

Yesterday 10:43

The meteorologists have sent out a red danger warning that applies to Nordfjord.

It is the extreme weather “Ingunn” that brings the strong wind with it.

Wind gusts of 35–50 m/s

Locally, extreme wind gusts of 35–50 m/s are expected from the south, later southwest and a hurricane on the coast.

The wind will increase first at Stad, and decrease last at Nordmøre.

– Stay inside, is the clear message from the Meteorologists.

– If you must drive, follow the advice of the Norwegian Road Administration and check road signs. It is dangerous to be outdoors, and unusually large damage is expected to buildings, infrastructure, forests and power grids, the Meteorologists write in the danger warning.

This is what it was like outside Glasshytten at Verftet when the storm hit in 2020. Photo: Eirik Brekke (archive)

For parts of Vestland, the Meteorologists have issued a yellow warning of strong gusts of wind.

On Wednesday morning and forenoon, there will be a full storm along the coast of Vestland.

– There can be gusts of 33-35 meters per hour. second. Out in the sea, there can be gusts of 35–40 meters per second. And it is important to note that there will also be strong gusts of wind in inland areas and in the mountain areas of up to 33 meters per hour. second, says the meteorologist.

– Avoid going for walks in the mountains on Wednesday. You’d rather do that today, says Tsopouridis at 10.30 on Tuesday morning.

Full storm

There is a fairly intense low pressure from the Atlantic which will ensure the storm in the coming days.

– It is a large low-pressure system. From Wednesday morning at 08:00 we will get strong winds from the south-west, strong gusts and locally a lot of rain. There will be a full storm along the coast, says the meteorologist on duty at the Meteorological Institute in Bergen.

– Closed roads

The storm will hit Bergen around 12.00 on Wednesday.

– I hope that people avoid mountain hikes and secure all loose objects. Also consider whether travel is necessary, and calculate extra time. Roads may be closed due to falling trees, says Tsopouridis.

Up to 30 millimeters of rain can fall within 24 hours.

– On Wednesday we may eventually get hailstorms in Bergen and elsewhere in Vestland. There may also be some snow in the Byfjellene.

The picture was taken on a rainy day in 2018. Photo: Eirik Brekke (archive)

Initially, the bad weather lasts until and including Thursday morning.

– The wind turns from the south-west to the west and on Thursday morning it turns to the north-west and decreases. It is possible that the wind will decrease a little during the night to Thursday. During Thursday afternoon, the weather will improve a little, and we will get a break, says the meteorologist.

On ‘an again

– So then the weather will get better?

– Yes, but a new low pressure is on the way overnight to Friday and there will be quite a lot of rain. This applies to both Friday and Saturday. At the same time, the temperature will be milder, probably around ten degrees.

– How would you characterize the weather we have in store?

– It will be stormy, a period of gray and wet weather, says Tsopouridis.

This is what it looked like in Nye Sædalsveien on 18 November 2020. Photo: Silje Katrine Robinson

High waves

On the stretch from Bulandet to Måløy, a south-westerly stiff gale is expected from Tuesday evening, which will turn into a strong gale on the night of Wednesday. The danger increases from 10 p.m. tonight.

The recommendation from Meteorologists is not to go out in a small boat. The consequences can be:

  • High waves
  • The sea may begin to roll
  • The sea rock can reduce the range of vision

Heavy snowfall is expected in the mountains in southern Norway. Photo: Meteorologists

Heavy snowfall is expected in the mountains in southern Norway.

The meteorologists have sent out a yellow warning that applies from Wednesday at 14:00 and which only ends on Thursday at 23:00.

There may be locally difficult driving conditions due to snow packing in the roadway.

Convoys may be introduced and roads may be closed at short notice.

The snowpack due to strong wind and snow will result in reduced visibility.

– Sitting on the fence and waiting

County emergency manager Haavard Stensvand at the State Administrator says that they have called a meeting on Zoom at 2.30pm on Tuesday.

– It includes all the municipalities in Vestland, the National Roads Administration, the county municipality, police, fire brigade, health, power and Telenor. The Meteorological Institute will inform about the background for sending out the red danger warning, says Stensvand a little before 2pm.

Calling in to such meetings is common when there is an orange danger warning.

– We have had a number of meetings this winter because of the weather. But it’s been a while since we’ve had such strong winds as are now being reported, says the county emergency manager.

– First and foremost, we follow along. If incidents occur, we can support the municipalities where they occur. Now we are sitting on the fence a bit and waiting for the weather and how it develops, says Stensvand.


Published: January 30, 2024 10:43 am

Updated: 30 January 2024 22:22

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