Beniamino Zuncheddu, like him, a thousand a year end up in prison unjustly

by time news

In 30 years, 30 thousand Italian citizens have suffered unjust detention. Judicial errors, those which are noticed after the sentence has become final, have numbered 222 since 1991

Beniamino Zuncheddu was acquitted after 33 years in prison as an innocent man. But how many cases of Italians have ended up behind bars unjustly? From 1991 to 2021 approximately 30 thousand. They reveal it to The print Benedetto Lattanzi and Valentino Maimone, of the website, who have been monitoring the state of justice in Italy for 25 years.

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COSTS – The costs for compensation are not small: 2 million and 460 thousand euros per year. According to Lattanzi and Maimone, on average 961 citizens end up behind bars unjustly every year. Between 1991 and 2021 the State would have compensated over 932 million euros. And in 2022 alone, compensation of 27 million and 378 thousand euros were paid to 539 people who ended up in prison without guilt.

Giuseppe Gulotta, the incredible story of the innocent man who remained in prison for 22 years. And about the compensation of 6.5 million – look

THE DIFFERENCES – However, unjust detentions are one thing. Another is miscarriages of justice, i.e. the cases of people found innocent only after a review process following a final guilty verdict. In 2022 there will be 8, one more than in 2021. The total in 30 years amounts to 222 cases and the compensation, in the case of judicial errors, is much higher: in 2022 alone it is close to 10 million. And the total reaches over 76 million.

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