Has Amelia Earhart’s Lost Plane Been Found? | Marie Claire

by time news

Her disappearance Amelia Earharther legendary pilot and female role model, over the Pacific Ocean in her attempt to circumnavigate the world in her plane, remains a mystery unsolved since 87 years.

But recently a group of marine archaeologists with the boat Deep Sea Vision perhaps it brought us closer to its solution. As CNN reports, using sonar technology to map the ocean floor has spotted a anomaly in depth above 4,800 meterswhich looks like a small aircraft. It could be the Lockheed 10-E Electrawith which he was flying.

«Some call it one of the greatest mysteries of all ages. I believe it is the greatest mystery of all time» as commented by the pilot Tony Romeo, who is participating in the mission. “Now we have the opportunity to give one end in one of the greatest American stories».

“Some call it one of the greatest mysteries of all time. I think it’s the biggest mystery of all time,” commented pilot Tony Romeo, who is participating in the mission. “Now we have the opportunity to bring an end to one of the greatest American stories.”

The hypothesis that it is the missing aircraft is strengthened by the fact that the image was taken at a distance of approx 160 kilometers from island Howlandthe next point where Amelia Earhart and her co-pilot were to land, Fred Noonanafter their last take off from Papua New Guinea.

The pilot pair was characterized missing after a 16 day search mission conducted by the US government. The Deep Sea Vision vessel has so far scanned over 13,000 square kilometers of seabed with an autonomous deep-sea probe, the Hugin 6000. Its mission began in September 2023 and done him December of the same year.

Romeo hopes by 2024 to return to the spot where the image of the alleged aircraft was taken, to take a closer look with his team at the object. They will also explore the possibility of bringing it, in some way, to surface.

Romeo hopes in 2024 to return to the spot where the image of the alleged aircraft was taken, to take a closer look with his team at the object. They will also explore the possibility of somehow bringing it to the surface.

«It is too early to say for sure that it is an aircraft, let alone Amelia’s. It could be an anomaly in the sonar data, a geological formation or another aircraft» commented the maritime archaeologist Andrew Pietruszkawho added however: “In any case, if I was looking for Amelia’s plane and had this target in my data I would want it search more».

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