sexual assault on a minor, neighbor arrested** – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

2024-01-31 09:48:00

Rome, 31 Jan. (Adnkronos) – A 47-year-old originally from Eastern Europe was arrested by the Assisi police on charges of aggravated and continuous sexual assault against a minor. A precautionary measure of detention in prison was carried out against the man, issued by the investigating judge of the Court of Perugia. The investigations began following the complaint presented at the end of last year to the Carabinieri station in Bastia Umbra by the girl’s mother. During the complaint, the woman reported that her daughter had confided in her that she had suffered repeated sexual harassment by the man, linked to the family by parental ties and a neighbour, which had begun 4 or 5 years before her.

The investigators reconstructed, through the analysis of the man’s cell phones, the chats of the conversations between him and the little girl, even if they were deleted by them. In the numerous contacts it emerged that the man forced the minor to suffer her harassment, fearing, in case of refusal, serious consequences for her health and safety and that of her family. The analysis of the girl’s phone also revealed that the minor asked the man on several occasions to be left alone. “The multiple elements of the circumstantial compendium against the suspect – explains the Perugia Prosecutor’s Office – coherent, reliable and credible testimonial statements from the girl and her family, the analysis of the contents of the mobile phones and the tablet which the suspect had deleted at in order to make them irrecoverable, having placed the minor in the position of having to submit to his behaviour, made it possible to request the precautionary measure.

The Judge for Preliminary Investigations, having assessed the existence of the concrete and current danger of repetition of the crime, as there is both the danger of evidential pollution and the danger of escape, deemed the elements for the application of custody to be recognisable, to a high degree. precautionary measure in prison, deemed to be a measure proportionate to the seriousness of the crime in question” we read. The man, having received news of the investigations, left his residence, presumably going to his country of origin, returning after a few days to Rome to the home of a relative. However, the Carabinieri tracked him down in Rome and after the usual formalities transferred him to the Regina Coeli prison in Rome, waiting to be subjected to the warrant interrogation.

#sexual #assault #minor #neighbor #arrested #Libero #Quotidiano

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