Recognize Depression: Signs and How to Get Help from Psychologists

by time news

2024-01-31 21:59:47

There are days when I find it particularly difficult to get out of bed. I usually have these moments when the golden autumn says goodbye and the days get shorter and shorter. Especially now that the year is coming to an end, I often find myself wanting to just lie on the couch and doze away. However, I wouldn’t classify myself as depressed. You can’t really tell whether you’re just listless or already depressed? Psychologists explain which ones Signs of depression speak.

Psychologists explain: Lack of motivation is not the same as depression

According to psychologists Stefanie Stahl and Lukas Klaschinski, it is completely normal that there are days when we don’t feel like doing anything. In her column at Stern Online the two also cut the topic listlessness and lack of motivation and describe this condition as human.

However, to prevent this condition from becoming permanent, Stahl says you should build routines into your everyday life. The reason: These routines can not only provide support, but also give people a framework. Stefanie Stahl explains in her column: “The more often I do something, the more success I have, and the better my mood is to stick with it.”

The psychologists cite starting with sport as an example. Here it is important to get over your weakness and exercise regularly in order to adjust your body to this new routine. In addition to physical fitness, sport can also help you overcome listlessness. The reason is the release of the happiness hormone serotonin. According to Lukas Klaschinski, there is a positive connection between physical activity and mental health.

Recognize depression: These 4 signs indicate it

While lack of motivation does not necessarily indicate depression, it can also be the first warning sign. Therefore, it is very difficult to distinguish whether you are currently in a temporary or permanent state. In order to get to the bottom of the cause, psychologist Klaschinski advises looking at the main characteristics of depression. These symptoms are warning signs:

1. Negative mood

How do you feel throughout the day? If you permanently a depressed and depressed mood If you feel empty inside and have no other emotions, this could be a sign of depression.

A negative mood can indicate depression. Photo: Getty Images/Kateryna Soroka

2. Suicidal thoughts

People who have suicidal intentions feel a deep sense of hopelessness. This manifests itself in the fact that they see everything around them as negative and feel like there is nothing worth living for. If you are tormented by thoughts of suicide, you should get psychological help immediately and talk to someone about your emotional state.

3. Sleep disorders

A common sign of depression is difficulty sleeping. Scientific studies have found that at least 80 percent of people who suffer from depression are also affected by insomnia. These people find it difficult to fall asleep in the evening and wake up repeatedly throughout the night.

More about depression?
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4. Changed appetite

If you suffer from depression, this can also be noticeable when it comes to food. So you might register, that the foods you used to like suddenly taste different. The change in appetite can also lead to weight loss.

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Signs of depression: Act quickly & get help

First of all, it is important to mention that you are not alone with your depression. According to that Federal Ministry of Health get sick around 16 to 20 out of a hundred people experience this in their lives. If you notice changes in your behavior and feel more and more listless and depressed, you should get professional help as quickly as possible.

Would you like to first speak anonymously with a neutral person? Then the telephone counseling service can help you.
You can reach them at the following number: 0800 1110111

#Signs #Depression #Point #biggest #warning #sign

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