The Future of Artificial Intelligence: Transformations and Breakthroughs in 2023 and Beyond

by time news

2024-02-01 10:41:54

Creative artificial intelligence was the most prominent technological revolution of 2023, but it is only the beginning. Organizations and companies have begun a feverish race to integrate into their work processes artificial intelligence-based components that leverage organizational information. Artificial intelligence makes it possible to accelerate innovation, foster creativity and increase efficiency in a huge variety of problems and fields. According to a study by the McKinsey consulting firm, large language models trained on enterprise data may add between $2.6 and $4.4 trillion in revenue annually in dozens of different applications and business scenarios.

Nvidia’s annual technology and artificial intelligence conference, GTC 2024, will take place between the 18th and 21st of March, where the CEO and founder of the company, Jensen Huang, will reveal the technologies, products and breakthroughs in the worlds of AI. The conference, which will be held in a hybrid model – both face-to-face in San Jose, California, and in an online model with free registration – will review the future of artificial intelligence in its hundreds of sessions. Until then, here are several ways in which we expect artificial intelligence to revolutionize the coming year.

Artificial intelligence creates in every corner: artificial intelligence is expected to become accessible in a variety of platforms from cloud computing, through data centers and development platforms, to personal computers and mobile devices. Thanks to open source models that are pre-trained and are adapted to organizational data, we expect to see the maturation of creative artificial intelligence applications that are built on top of them and designed to address specific challenges of the organization. Over time, these will become main components of the business strategy – and not just an innovative “feature”. As organizations train the models on their own proprietary data, or adapt existing models to proprietary data, they will demonstrate improved efficiency on a variety of problems. For example, organizations will want to adapt language models based on data in the Hebrew language for users in Israel.

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Prof. Gal Chechik is the director of Nvidia’s AI research center in Israel

(Photo: Nir Hadar)

We all become developers: until today, a significant part of software development and design required skill in a specific development language, and strenuous individual work. By creating artificial intelligence tools trained in different development languages, it will be much easier to guide a smart digital assistant to create applications, services, support devices and more with voice instructions or simple textual instructions. This does not mean that companies will stop recruiting skilled developers and programmers, but that the new tools will help developers work more efficiently and focus on tasks that require deep understanding, and that developers will adopt the ability to work with artificial intelligence-based development tools as part of the ongoing development process.

Beyond text or image – want both: although the field is still in its infancy, many industries are about to leverage large language models for multimodal problems – ones that allow the combined use of text, speech and images. Multimodal models are capable of capturing both the details and the meaning of content, and they will be used both to generate new content, and to process existing content in tables or charts, in response to multimodal queries. Multimodal models are especially important for progress in scientific research, where it is necessary to integrate information from a large number of sources. Indeed, creative artificial intelligence will not only be expressed in the creation of text or images. And we will see the maturation of diverse scientific uses from the development and discovery of medicines, through the modeling of biological and medical processes, to dealing with the climate crisis.

The goal – safety in artificial intelligence: cooperation between leading companies in the world of artificial intelligence will continue to accelerate the research and development of safe AI systems. In the coming year, we can expect the rise of standards, agreed protocols and Best Practices that will be adopted in a variety of industries, and will ensure a consistent and high level of safety in creative artificial intelligence models. Organizations will increase their focus on the transparency of AI systems, and use new tools and methodologies to shed light on the decision-making processes of complex models. As the Gen AI ecosystem moves around responsible and safe development, it can be expected that AI technologies will become more trustworthy among the public, and will align with the values ​​of humanity.

Take advantage of the hidden data: In the coming year, organizations will start using creative artificial intelligence to analyze and process data that is hidden deep in their organization’s databases and was not easily accessible until now. With the help of large language models that are specifically adapted to the needs of the organization, and with the help of accelerated computing based on artificial intelligence, organizations will be able to mine diverse data, including chat transcripts from customer service, or automatic analysis of “logs” to identify sources of failures. For this purpose, texts, charts and tables and even lines of code will be analyzed, in order to derive insights and act on them. These tools are expected to expand and deepen the impact of creative artificial intelligence on organizations in different ways. Organizations will be able to provide more specific answers to questions, analyze unstructured information and find new business opportunities that they did not think about.

Artificial intelligence creates in industry: this year we will begin to see effects of the artificial intelligence revolution also in the digitization of industry – production lines in a mechanized environment where people and robots work side by side. The change is expected to happen when organizations begin to examine in a computerized manner the physical and operational aspects of the factory even before its establishment: the physical environment, the light, the heat in the work space, the noise, the accessibility and more. All of this data will be converted into digital information and a 3D simulation that will make it possible to establish a “digital twin” of the plant, which “operates” virtually, even before the foundations are dug into the ground. In this way, it will be possible to save millions of dollars and considerable time resources in improving operational efficiency, preparing for future changes (replacing an assembly line for a new car model, for example), improving conditions and preparing for disruptions in the supply chain (disabling assembly lines) and more.

Creativity goes up a notch: thanks to new and accessible tools that creative artificial intelligence provides, we are expected to see an “explosion” of creativity, in writing, visual art and music. A variety of creators will use such tools in the music industry, in games, in cinema, on television, on phone screens and other platforms. This is a significant change for the creative industry in all fields, which opens countless opportunities but also raises quite a few concerns and challenges that the industry is already preparing to face.

Artificial intelligence – the next “space race”: artificial intelligence is becoming the new “space race”. Every developed country in the world is working to accelerate its progress in artificial intelligence, through the establishment of national research centers, the encouragement of academic and applied research and the establishment of national computing infrastructures for artificial intelligence. This is to lead in the race for artificial intelligence-based innovation, achieve scientific breakthroughs and improve GDP. Today, only a few high-performance accelerated computing systems (hyper scale computers) are needed to establish such a research center, encourage scientists and researchers, strengthen economic growth and create jobs Advanced work for the next generation.

Prof. Gal Chechik is senior director and director of Nvidia’s AI research center in Israel

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