Representative Alejandro Ocampo justifies paying Verónica Alcocer a salary, because she is “very pretty and very nice”

by time news

Representative of the Historical Pact, Alejandro Ocampo, asks for a salary for Verónica Alcocer and compliments her – credit Montage Frank Saavedra/Infobae Colombia

Verónica Alcocer, President Petro’s wife, has been at the center of different controversies in recent weeks due to her activities and lifestyle, which many consider more typical of a celebrity than a first lady.

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The controversy has intensified with his participation in social, sporting and musical events, as well as his diplomatic trips, which have involved a high financial outlay in travel expenses.

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Furthermore, the president’s designation of the first lady as an ambassador for a special mission was annulled by the Attorney General’s Office, sparking a broad debate about the first lady’s role in the country.

This scenario has led to discussions about the expenses generated by Alcocer’s entourage, which amount to more than one billion pesos, focused on the management of his public image. The annulment of her appointment as special ambassador has called into question the responsibilities and functions of the first ladies, a theme that resonated in the words of Alejandro Ocampo, representative of the Historical Pact.

The representative of the Historical Pact Alejandro Ocampo asked that the Constitution be reviewed since it does not value the functions of the first ladies – credit @alejoocampog/X

During an interview with Semana, the representative highlighted the importance of this figure worldwide and criticized the lack of clarity in the Constitution about the functions assigned to the wives of heads of state.

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Alcocer’s situation reflects a broader dilemma about the role first ladies should play in politics and society. While some defend her participation in events and diplomatic missions as part of her role, others question the cost this represents to the public treasury and the need to establish clearer limits on her activities. This debate is not exclusive to Colombia but takes on particular relevance in the context of recent controversies.

The representative of the Historical Pact proposed that the country’s first ladies receive a salary allowance for their role and the social functions they perform. This motion echoes the relevance of the role they occupy in the national socio-political fabric. “A salary allocation,” says Ocampo.

“It is normal. The least we Colombians can want is a well-dressed first lady,” said the congressman. “Very charismatic, very pretty and very nice,” added the congressman, and assured that she is much more “than the other” first ladies who have accompanied the predecessors of the head of state.

The representative of the Historical Pact, Alejandro Ocampo stated that Verónica Alcocer is “very charismatic, very pretty and very nice” being above her predecessors – Colprensa/Caracol Radio

This recognition not only highlights the appreciation for Alcocer’s personal qualities but also signals a change in public perception about the impact and importance of the first lady’s role in Colombia.

At the same time, the Comptroller’s Office has requested from the Administrative Department of the Presidency of the Republic (Dapre) details about the resources assigned, trips made and missions carried out by the first ladies in the last four governments, signaling an interest in transparency in management. of matters related to this role.

This development opens a dialogue about the formalization of the first lady’s position, suggesting that beyond an honorary title it could be established as a paid role, officially recognizing the tasks and contributions made.

The debate touches on key points such as social expectations towards the wives of presidents, the professionalization of their contributions and the transparent management of public funds. The proposal and its context highlight a moment of reflection on the role of first ladies in Colombia and their future evolution.

Likewise, he took the opportunity to respond to the representative of the Democratic Center, Juan Espinel, indicating that he did not say anything when this same situation arose in past administrations with people close to his party or with him directly. Given that, he said that: “Double standards are when you hide what your friends have done,” representative Ocampo highlighted.

And he concluded by saying that: “The double standard is when they are not able to tell the country, I will never see it because they are not capable.”

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