towards a “weakening” of the long-term unemployed

by time news

2024-02-01 13:35:35
Gabriel Attal, the day of his general policy declaration, at the National Assembly, January 30, 2024. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “LE MONDE”

Behind the operation of communicating vessels, there is a risk of social disruption. In his general policy declaration delivered on Tuesday, January 30, to the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, announced the abolition of the specific solidarity allowance (ASS) and “to rock” towards active solidarity income (RSA). This scenario, considered several times over the last thirty-five years, had until now been ruled out because it was likely to penalize many people in very vulnerable situations. It is now becoming a reality, arousing strong anger on the left, among unions and associations fighting against exclusion.

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Created in 1984, ASS is a benefit granted, under certain conditions, to job seekers who have exhausted their unemployment insurance rights. To receive it, you must have low resources, which do not exceed a given threshold (nearly 1,272 euros per month for a single individual, as of April 1, 2023). The monthly amount of the allowance can go up to 552 euros. In one in two cases, the amount is paid to people who have been looking for a position for at least five years. They are most often seniors, with 58% of beneficiaries being at least fifty years old. In August 2023, it was awarded to some 261,000 women and men (compared to some 530,000 in 1996). Responsible for financing it, the State has planned a budget of 1.65 billion euros for the 2024 financial year.

On Tuesday, Mr. Attal justified his choice to end the SSA by arguing that this aid “allows, without working, to validate quarters of retirement”. However, added the tenant of Matignon, “retirement must be the fruit of work”. Hence the decision to shut down the system targeted at the very long-term unemployed. “Seeking a more efficient and less costly social model is not a bad word but an imperative”, he added. His speech therefore obeys moral considerations and the desire to save money. It also contains the underlying idea that, by switching to the RSA, the populations concerned will integrate a system which has just been reformed (establishment of fifteen to twenty hours of weekly activity for beneficiaries, reinforced support with the aim of regain a foothold in the world of work, etc.).

Substantial “savings”

The problem is that the rules governing ASS are not identical to those applicable to RSA, the former often proving more favorable to individuals than the latter. Thus, the income ceiling not to be exceeded in order to be eligible for aid is higher for the ASS than for the RSA, so that the potential number of beneficiaries is greater in the first case. In addition, the resources taken into account and the calculation methods may prove more advantageous, with regard to SSA. In other words, the disappearance of this benefit could be detrimental to a certain number of people. How much ? When requested, the Ministry of Labor, Health and Solidarity has not, at this stage, provided any data.

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