Alkis Kampanos: Shocking moments at the events for the 2 years since his murder

by time news

The smile of Alkis Kampanos “went out” on February 1, 2022 in Thessaloniki. Brutal and cowardly. He was murdered by “blindly” fanatical hooligans because he and his group supported a different team.

Early morning of February 1 at 12.19. Two years without Alkis. 19 candles for a child who was so unjustly lost.

Relatives – friends and fellow citizens of the child for whom Panhellenic “cried”, honored his memory. 19 candles were lit at his place of martyrdom. The clock stopped 19 minutes after midnight, but the tears will never “dry”.

“They did the unthinkable. They took the life of Alkis because a child from his company shouted that he was Ares. Time for me and Melina and our family stopped at that moment,” said Alkis Kampanou’s father.

Creepiness, sadness and emotion. Pain but also hope that maybe something will change in the fan mentality of Greece. After all, this is also the reason for the establishment of the Structure “February 1, 2022 – In the Name of the Moose”.

“We created it to offer action on three axes. Let’s not forget Alkis, let’s offer help and support to victims of fan violence and change the fan culture in Greece”.

In the morning, a trisago was held in Alki Kampanou Street with the presence of athletes and football players of the Aris team.

A message of reconciliation and acceptance for the different color of the shirt and the flags on the stadiums was sent by children wearing ARIS and PAOK scarves. Adola and the few words of balm to the father of the bereaved youth.

“Alkis is high in the sky, you may not see him but he sees you. And I’m sure he’s got a bright smile,” said one child.

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