February 2nd is mismatched socks day

by time news

Mismatched socks: for many it can be a simple mistake of distraction, but there is a day dedicated to just this. This year it is celebrated on February 2nd and represents an opportunity to talk about diversity, friendship and respect in schools. The rule for everyone, of course, is to wear two different socks.

«It is a symbol of inclusion, mutual respect, solidarity and acceptance of others – explains Roberto Toigo, regional secretary of the Uil union -. Tomorrow, February 3, we will see thousands of children and young people who, at the invitation of teachers and parents, will wear mismatched socks as a metaphor and acceptance of diversity.”

The idea – as the organizers write – was born a few years ago by the children of a primary school in Terzo di Aquileia, in Friuli, together with the teacher Sabrina. The initiative reached schools, sports clubs, offices, hospitals and families. «Initiatives like this – continues Toigo – must push us towards a moment of contemplation and reflection because, even if we continually remind ourselves and others that “different” is synonymous with “wealth”, “opportunity” and growth”, we are also witnesses of episodes of bullying, and even shameful and unacceptable genocides. We try, with days like this, to sow respect and a feeling of welcome: two precious values ​​for today’s young people who will be the adults of tomorrow.”

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